Oh You weren't around when we built the internet

in LeoFinance9 months ago

I don't know what it is but lately I keep hearing conversations about the technology we are building.

Some of the conversations are with the traditional dev crowd. They will say "interesting so its a super slow database, why would I use it when I can just build the same functionality"

This group ignores all the things the other group is fighting for.

So you start to listen to the other group and realize they are fighting for freedom, censorship resistance, freedom of transaction, a non government controlled currency, or many other reasons.
This group is plagued by the Green Candle Crowd that wants to shill and look for quick gains.

Then the topic of decentralization comes up.
What does it mean?
Who can turn off your servers?
Your power?
Your food?
Your water?
You cellphone?
Maybe we should go full ludite the digital world is scary.

I have many thoughts and views on these topics and I have been noticing they differ from people that are consuming media on a daily basis.

I finally figured it. We had all these type of debates way back in the 90's when the internet was being released from the government and given to the people (remember the US Dept of Defense controlled all DNS on the internet well into the mid 2000's)

So I don't know if it is just age, time, exp, or having seen the same questions and things played out. but we are just repeated a lot of the exact same things with a new layer of tech.

But I have seen this before and I see how to get to the end.
It gives me peace and faith.

One last big point we built a free network with dencetralization and fought tooth and nail for this and then the millennials freely gave all that power over to a hand full of companies and made them into a techno-state off of all the labour and earnings of an entire generation.

Now we have to dust off our cyber-phunk days and go back to war for the same things we did before.

However this time we already know the outcome.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


It's time to get back what belongs to you. Other parties don't know how to deal with transaction rates and the most interesting part of it is realization. What do they stand to achieve? Quick gain without giving the best they can

I could not agree more.