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RE: Hive Punks Update

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I tried to buy one to be one of the cool kids, one from @whatsup in particular because I know she is a cool kid. It said the transaction was broadcast but nothing happened. Out of my frustration I proceeded to sell all of @whatsup's punks without having bought them. The transactions were all broadcast, but I imagine those didn't work either.

I believe I failed to become a cool kid on two accounts.

Let me know if you fix this so I can become a cool kid. I will promptly go sell all of @whatsup's punks without having bought them, and then buy them from myself.


You need SWAP.HIVE for the market as it is Hive Engine and it can't work with Hive directly.

Ah thanks. And sorry I cheated on you @whatsup. I found the female punk version of myself. I spent all my money on dinner with her. She was cheaper and rarer all at once.