Martial law would be total centralization. It's like hundreds of witnesses and then just witness with full control over the network. Good for us though that even a four star general is a human being with a mind to do everything in his power not to impede democracy while still carrying out the president's orders. The army could have easily stormed the General Assembly building during martial law. A few tables and chairs can't hold several tanks. It comes down to the people who made their decision at the midterm election and the truths they have decided to hold to. The end of Martial law in a couple hours would have never happened forty years ago. It would go on until the president kept full control. Forty years ago censoring the media and sending the army to shut down the Congress would have worked. Today there is too much transparency and a general desire from the public in all sectors to see the truth carried out. As for Upbit, they had a discount sale. It is a good place and will continue to provide complete services. Do remember though that your crypto is really yours when you hold the keys.
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