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Torta con HBD 🔥🎂


#spanish #spendhbd

Pude sentir el dulce sabor HBD cuando disfruté de esta torta doradita y esponjosa. Me encantó consentir a mi paladar con chocolate y vainilla.

@cafebracamonte es un excelente aliado del proyecto de Criptoadopción. Nos ofrecen diversas opciones para degustar (desayunos, almuerzos y meriendas)

Hola amiga, que genial que cuenten con esos comercios y de esa manera poder disfrutar y en tan solo segundos tener todo, además las transferencias en cuestión de segundos y ahora se me antoja una torta. Este es un gran proyecto y a la aventura a penas comienza. Éxitos.

Es genial, la torta estuvo muy buena. La combinación perfecta para el bienestar. Pagar con HBD nos simplifica la vida.


Increíble la publicación de @elmerlin con el resumen del reto #21days. Bellos gesto que tuvo con @neilamarcano. Todos felices por terminar el reto y esperando el próximo. ¿Vamos por más? #hiverun #spanish

en la espectativa del próximo reto. Vamos por eso y más. #hiverun #spanish

Estoy más que listo para el nuevo reto, no puedo esperar, ya me siento descansado y listo para seguir sumando kilómetros 🌊✨ #hiverun #spanish

Muy buen informe, y en #hiverun estoy segura que estamos listos para los retos, hemos ido creciendo y estoy segura que pronto seremos una comunidad más grande

claro que estamos listos vamos adelante si este reto fue muy bueno los que vienen serán seran mejores #spanish #hiverun

Ahora, vamos por más kilómetros#spanish Una publicación que vale la pena leer una y otra vez. Muchos detalles que son dignos de consideración. Feliz de participar y de formar parte de #hiverun

21 días de emociones, @emerlin tuvo un gran gesto y además nos hizo activar el modo retador con nosotros mismos.

Ya estoy lista para el próximo reto

Gran trabajo de todos en el equipo se #Hiverun, de verdad que mis felicitaciones y que sigan así. Ya los veré más que preparado con los próximos retos... Éxitos.

Felicidades chicos nuevamente, estoy eternamente agradecida con @elmerlin por ese gesto maravilloso para conmigo, gracias a ustedes por siempre estar en las buenas y en las malas, infinitas bendiciones para todos 😘 🤗


Hive Watchers after collecting their $300 for the day.

A hard days work demands a big strong pole and caloric replenishment.


Thank you @tsunsica for telling me about this! I am excited to be in touch with all the #photographers in there. Did you know about this dedicated area for threads in the Communities section?


Los días en los que atiendo a más pacientes son los días en los que menos me cuesta ser feliz

Eso si está mal, te tocará tener que equilibrar las cosas y siempre estar feliz

Son los días en los que trabajo en lo que más me gusta y naturalmente me hace feliz.
Imposible estar feliz siempre, no es sano. Y de hecho uno hace cosas para ser feliz, hacer ejercicio, agradecer, hablar con una persona que quieres.
Quizás como lo planteé sonó raro pero quería decir que los días en los que atiendo pacientes soy más feliz!

Lo importante es que te sientas bien con lo que hagas 😎

O me recomendabas distribuir los pacientes durante toda la semana para ser feliz "siempre"? Jejej. En caso de que sea esto, pues ese es el plan :)

Sip, no todos el mismo día o puede ser en horarios distintos

Lástima que no aproveché los días que estuve allá...habría sido un bálsamo!

Un oído para los pacientes y un oído para los amigos. El segundo no precisa de tiempo ni espacio. Cuando quieras conversamos Marco. La última vez tus palabras calaron y mi vida (profesional) encontró finalmente un camino.

Oye...que lindo es leer esto que me cuentas...

Siempre es una alegría inmensa poder ayudar, pero lo más importante es que las decisiones las has tomado vos..!

Fuerte abrazo y espero poder visitar Bogotá de nuevo en el futuro!

Aquí te esperamos 🤗

👀 👀 me dejaste en suspenso. : P

Así de fuerte debe ser.

Cuando pasaba consulta sentía algo parecido, me gustaba tener el tiempo suficiente para cada paciente, su historial, su historia, su contexto, muchas cosas surgían en esas partes no tan protocolares

Cada tarde, si no te encuentras bien, no tienes animo para seguir trabajando el cafe siempre sera el mejor anzuelo para conseguir esa motivación e inspiración para seguir con todo, ya que una taza de cafe contiene las energías necesarias.


Si no descontrola tu sueño, siempre será un buen amigo. Yo tomé uno el día de hoy.

No, con dos es suficiente.

Tú crees?...jajaja

1/3 🧵 #threadstorm

Mañana empieza la Eurocopa 2024

¿Cuál es tu equipo favorito?

#outreach #fulldeportes #spanish

2/3 🧵

Ya el partido inaugural reúne a dos selecciones interesantes. El anfitrión, Alemania, recibe a la incómoda Escocia. Pero el plato fuerte vendrá el fin de semana, con el choque entre España y Croacia

3/3 🧵

La naranja mecánica servirá de visitante a una selección que acaba de perder a su máxima figura para éste encuentro. ¿Quieres saber cuál es?

Visita mi último post para la comunidad de @fulldeportes

Me late Francia...y a vos?

Sin duda, Francia es una seria candidata. Creo que Alemania tiene un buen plantel y la localía le ayudará muchísimo. Me pregunto quien será el equipo revelación, ese que pocos habrían previsto e igual se meterá en las semifinales. Bueno, mañana empieza la fiesta.

Siempre he sido hincha de Alemania, toda mi lo sé Rick!

Luego de tres años en ese gran mundo de hive, se logro llegar a un nuevo escalón, la cual es numerito que esta al lado de nuestro usuario cambio y ahora marca un 75, siendo algo maravilloso y vamos por mas.

Post en los comentarios


Quiero que en el agua sane todo mi dolor al ritmo de un impulso suave y extendido a la vez


Yo quiero que me sane, me sane con unas vacaciones.

I want to cure all my pain through the water in the rhythm of a soft and extended impulse all at once.

1/3 🧵

El buen vivir se disipa por un malestar que arropa nuestra identidad.

#threadstorm #outreach #humanitas

2/3 🧵

! El bien vivir se reconstruye aunque este dormida, usando las cualidades del elemento agua en nuestra práctica diaria!

3/3 🧵

Les invito a leer mi siguiente post, el cual trata el tema del bien vivir, saludos!

have you heard of @superhive? looks like an amazing tool.

what kind of tool are we talking?

Self hosted blog page powered by Hive

Very cool! Bookmarked for later

yeah but have never try it, never had the time to sit down and figure it out, if you try it let me know how the backend works


Just finished coloring the map for Portal brawlers that you access in the Tavern to travel around.
We still need to do the enchanted effects.
I will upload a time lapsed video of the map being drawn on 3 speak a little later.

Definitely looks awesome!

The Sui network has deployed his Native Bridge on Testnet, where you can transfer assets like ETH, USDT, USDT, wBTC between Ethereum and Sui.

Bitcoin Innovation: After integrating ICP, Omnity adds BEVM (Bitcoin L2) into its Hub. You can bridge Runes token ($RICH) from Bitcoin Native to BEVM.

Here is a #threadcast for the #tesla shareholders meeting.

will they approve his pay?

Yeah it was approved. We will see by how much it passed.

Oh goodie, can read up moar on dis on Leo! :D

Yep. We added a few to the pile. It is always good to have things like that forming.

Did you invite Elon?

He was busy.

No matter, he doesnt answer my emails.

Well, he could have learnt a thing or two. Nevermind.

Yeah. He should follow threads.

We are going to kick X ass.

Innovation accelerant.

Have to be much faster than everyone else and can our product be better and a few years ahead of our competitor.


Elon insight.

The non foundation series Cybertruck will start some time next quarter.


Elon just agreed to FSD transfer for 1 more quarter.

A decision made on stage.

With the Cybertruck, Tesla hit a weekly record of 1,300.

Maybe @khaleelkazi will get his soon.

haha problem is I got the cyber beast and they’re focusing on dual motor which is a disappointment and a half

As they increase production they will burn through those orders and have to get to you sooner or later.

100M vehicles with 1 kW of compute, that is 100 GW of compute.

At some point the Tesla fleet will be over 100 million vehicles.

Hardware 5 comes out in about 18 months, it will be 10x over hardware 4.

Tesla is a leader in real world AI.

Ahead of Google, Meta and OpenAI.

The first thing coming up is the results of the shareholder vote. I think there were 12 items.

Two were very big.

Elon will be speaking at some point.

The two big issues being watched are will Elon get the old comp package reinstated and will the incorporation be moved to Texas (out of Delaware).

The chair of the board did a great job guiding the company through the process since the Delaware court stepped in.

It is reported that the Elon package and move to Texas passed.

I guess it isnt official until it is read off at the meeting.

The move to Texas required 50% of all shares outstanding, not what was voted.

This made the barrier a bit higher.

Elon and his brother could vote on this.

Elon's package required 50% of the votes cast. He and his brother had to abstain from this vote.

I am going to find out what happens if there are two threadcast started in the same day under one account.

FSD is about a 10x safer in terms of accident per miles driven.

1 in 5.6 million versus 1 in about 600K.

I wonder what this one gets paid to be on the board.

Bet it is a good gig.

LOL what a self-sacrificing individual.

The board is here to represent you, the shareholders.

Is she practicing to run for office. She sounds like a politician.

She must be from Boston. She has no "r" in her vocabulary.

They are voting.

LOL that one doesnt have a chance of passing.

Get this Karen off of stage.

Some dumbass proposals.

Tesla out of DE

I’m not listening to the shareholder meeting since I’m in another meeting at work. This is awesome though. We should hold these for all big events.

Yeah. It is something that Khal mentioned and I agree. We need to think threadcast first.

I’m starting to see more and more cyber trucks around my town.

Really? I still havent seen one in person. I am looking forward to it.

I have to get out more. LOL

yeah. I’m starting to see people resell the early ones too.

There are many who are making bank since they are still ramping.

Some are doubling the price and getting takers.

Musk pay package officially approved.

Wow! Taskmaster. I just realised you created 2 threadcasts with one account. I would not have thought about it to be possible.

Awesome stuff.

Well the problem is even though I did that, the first one (the icon) leads to the second one.

So it is akin to only one being visible.

Oh! I see.

Does that mean if both threadcasts were of different topics of discussion, the first threadcast will still link to the second one?

The second threadcast was linked to both icons at the top of the page. So when I added one, it overrode the first one.

Elon talking about the FSD and autonomy.

No question it will far exceed human safety -Elon

It will be a combination of Uber and AirBNB.

Can add or subtract your car as you want.

I do deliver in the end. Thats the important thing.

Elon agrees with Ark Invest's forecast that it put out.

Talking about Optimus.

He is projecting about 100 million robots per year. He tossed a $10K price cost.

The Fremont factory is the largest car factory in North America by yearly output.

Plans were approved for volume production of the Semi.

Still going to put out more superchargers than the rest of the industry combined.

$500 million going to deploying them this year.

It takes 3 iterations of a product before really hitting the sweet spot.

Powerwall 3 is going to be rolling out.

Tesla is as much of a software company as a hardware company.

Car companies are not software companies.

this Threadcast is perfect bc I can’t listen live right now but I can read 👏

I am sharing what Elon is saying.

The biggest problem with the scaling of the self driving is too few interventions especially in rural areas. If there is 10K between interventions, that is one person's full year of driving.

This is why millions of cars are required.

Version 12.4 is actually a totally different version from 12.3 (and 12.5 will be the same).

Could actually be 13 and 14.

This is super duper cool 👏👏👏👏👏.

Trying to bring threadcasts to the limelight.

Plus gives you something to comment upon.

Thats great 👍👍, Lets Get Down on it!!.

We are going to keep pushing them. This is the second one I set up today.

I have checked it and the both are showing the same thing. 👍👍 That's a 24 hours threadcast 🥰🥰🥰.. This is s great idea and is gonna help people from different part of the world to participate due to their time zones.

Robotaxi network.

Add car to and subtract from your car as you see fit.

Tesla will own some cars. The combination of Uber and AirBNB.

2 Optimus bots in Fremont factory taking batteries off a line and putting them in shipping containers.

Prediction: next year, we will have over 1,000, maybe a few thousands robots working at Tesla.

Tesla will be, by far, the leader in robots.

There are a lot of start ups but it is hard to do a robot as a start up. Had do use first principles on everything related to the robot.

There is no supply chain for a humanoid robot.

The next generation of hands and arm will have 22 degrees of freedom. It will be able to play the piano.

To make robots, you have to be very good at scale manufacturing.

Design for manufacturing and be very good at it. Prototypes are easy, production is hard.

Tesla has the production, AI hardware and software, and engineering capability.

"The Optimus Optimist"

Optimus is literally a $25 trillion market cap situation.

It is an immense amount of work to get there.

When we make a significant improvement to FSD, we will look giving a free trial for like 2 weeks to those who tried it before and didnt sign up.

@khaleelkazi food for thought.

Elon keeps harping upon the Ark analysis.

$5T-$7T market cap by 2030 is their forecast according Elon.

The limiter on demand is people cannot afford the car.

Not me all fancy moving my coins from Binance to my keystore

you have found the sun which you seek

this is the way

I just ungabugaed my way into understanding I could actually do that hahah I was wondering if I needed to swap to a specific coin (I had rune on binance)

ahahha well you know who to ping for help 😉

I'm up from 2 to 4 produced blocks on my #vsc node just in the past couple of days! #winning

Step by step growing! :D

I have an idea for a Community that will not only get me Threading more, but I think will give everyone else a reason to do so as well. Now, to earn that 3 Hive, lol.

As of today, we’re outpacing May for MAUs

I’m challenging the team and you - the community - to push for 20% growth from May to June

That means 1580 MAUs by the end of this month

Can you do it?

Sooo... Who's a cat person around here?

#joke #jokesonleo

This is hilarious. Is this a safe space?😅

The Internet? Do guess :)

I thought so.😄

I always catch myself thinking I would love to do great things for a lot of people online. To be able to help the others.

And for that, I keep forgetting that sometimes I need to be a little bit selfish first, to get me on that place where I am actually able to do something for others.

Honest Question:

How does it feels like to go to sleep not worried about bills?

Cause my whole life I was never able to do that!

I will hit 70 next month. Whole my life I had never to worry about bills.
Maybe my Mom teaches me smth right in my childhood.

I think my parents also made a great job with my financial education as well. And although in the past I might have made some less than good financial decisions. There's a big difference. We come from 2 very different generations, I am a millennial and our generation, as adults, we got really fucked by the world lolol I am still trying my best to overcome that, but it is very hard.

If I knew, I would tell you..

Please, if you discover it, let me know. I will do the same. Cause no one deserves it. Obviously I could be having it even worst. But counting cents to sleep is not the way to go.

Did worrying ever solve anything?

so so. Because worrying keep me at least being able to pay for a place to live and the basic needs such as food. If I stop worrying then the depression will completely take over, and I'll just lay in bed, literally waiting for it to end. Lol

Look at some Stoic videos on YT. There are a lot of suggestions that are easy to implement for emotional sustainability and to not get overwhelmed.

always hated that stuff. It never done much for me and to help me with my states. Specially nowadays knowing about all the fakery that goes behind all that is on the internet. It makes


but today I am actually in a "good day" just venting the dark thoughts I have 24/7 lolol

Celebrating my sister-in-law and father-in-law's birthday by family-friends #family #birthday #happy #lifestyle #gosh

I did the math and realize I made the premium back plus some 20 bucks. I guess I'd use it to buy some Leo tokens soon cause I watched the AMA on YouTube and I like where inleo is going

very nice! Yep, Premium tends to pay for itself and then some

Congratulations on that nice roi! 🙌

Where is the magic? Have gotten only as much as my premium 😂. I guess that's okay, unless I deposit from my binance for next month.

you saw the magic!! you got your money back in votes, supported the team, funded the flywheel, and got extra features. Winning all around!

great deal. Let me go at it again 😞

how often do you post ?

been consistent this week 😀. I see my wrong

I can only say goodnight see you tomorrow and

What does multi-tasking involve?

#neoxian #askonleo

Doing different things simultaneously

Amazingly impossible to achieve a lot of things simultaneously

It seems many are excited about #leoshorts. How much more activity will go up each day.

The goal evidently is to have it live on Monday. We shall see. It will be another pillar in the Leo foundation.

In principle, an auction or a gallery selling drawings wouldn't hurt either... do you know how many people would be interested in becoming part of inleo? :)

I think commerce is a must. It would go over well.

Being able to buy and sell works of art (among other things) is something we need to consider.

If this happens and it is safe for both the buyer and the seller, it will be a new milestone in crypto, if we are talking not about NFTs but about physical objects :) !VSC

Naturally physical objects add an additional layer that needs to be consider. Logistics then is another obstacle.

Logistics and security of the transaction are key points, not counting the ability to discuss all the details of the transaction with the client.

Yeah. A lot being introduced into the equation but if we want Leo to be a force, these are what we need to take a look at.

<center><br /> <p dir="auto"><code>BEER<span>Hey <a href="/@taskmaster4450le">@taskmaster4450le, here is a little bit of <span> from <a href="/@barski">@barski for you. Enjoy it! <p dir="auto">Learn how to <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from" class="external_link">earn <b>FREE BEER each day by staking your <code>BEER. <div>

@barski has sent VSC to @taskmaster4450le

This post was rewarded with 0.1 VSC to support your work.
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@barski ha enviado VSC a @taskmaster4450le

Éste post fue recompensado con 0.1 VSC para apoyar tu trabajo.
Únete a nuestra comunidad de fotografía Visual Shots
Consulte aquí para ver o intercambiar VSC Tokens
Se parte de nuestro Trail de Curación

Uses: 2/25

I also have an idea, think about it, a spatify analogue with the function of selling music beats for crypto... that would be a blast! :)

Moreover, with inleo there may be a collateral account-depository, which receives funds from the buyer and sends them to the seller when the transaction is completed and the work is received by the buyer and this is confirmed by him.

This is something we need to start discussing. I dont know how the technical aspects are but I would agree the ability to buy and sell things on Leo is crucial.

Many people dream of such opportunities :)

I agree. We are going to have to pursue ideas like this a great deal more.

I can only guess at the degree of hidden interest in this :)

Quite frankly it is something that is badly needed within Web 3.0. Yet it never seems to materialize.

@barski has sent VSC to @taskmaster4450le

This post was rewarded with 0.1 VSC to support your work.
Join our photography communityVisual Shots
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@barski ha enviado VSC a @taskmaster4450le

Éste post fue recompensado con 0.1 VSC para apoyar tu trabajo.
Únete a nuestra comunidad de fotografía Visual Shots
Consulte aquí para ver o intercambiar VSC Tokens
Se parte de nuestro Trail de Curación

Uses: 3/25

Monday already?! That's amazing. Good thing I'm currently stacking shorts

That is what Khal said. We will see if it it hit.

I love that in the blockchain you can see every operation people do. There is nothing hidden. It is all out there for everyone to see.

And out of the blockchain, I love the transparency as well. I always like to share all of me.

So you will always get the good and the bad. The wins and the losses. The ease and the struggles.

That transparency is part of my content.

Very nice. A great image. Keep the natureonleo pics coming.

We need more beauty on here.

Gorgeous tones


we are waiting for you on the threadcast! :D are you joining?

what is everyone doing this fantastic day?

Get'n closer to bringing sum Frog Battle Card Game fer eberyone to play.

Am so tired, today has been Soo hectic

i've been gone for about a week, so catch me up on what I've missed…

Leo collateral loans on maya is the main news. Should be cool when it launched.

check out the @ai-summaries account to get a quick overview of the headlines and summaries of all the livestreams that has happened - there's been a lot. Almost every day actually

Plenty of Inleo spaces have happened. Loans against $LEO is the greatest news! :D

Welcome back! Battle frog card game soon, lol, you probably meant (in)LEO, collateralized loans as mentioned. :)

I never get tired of appreciating the walls when I visit Camden Town #photography #london #streetphotography

Is that a boot?

ohhh yeah. They really pop off with the decorations there :D

Julia Louis Dreyfus bring her signature sass to the MCU as Valentina Allegra de Fontaine! 💅🕷️ That post credits tease in ‘The Falcon and the Winter Soldier’ was a power move, she commanded the screen instantly. Just imagining her as the shady handler of the Thunderbolts, manipulating all those "reformed" villains, wonder who will get of the road first?

#Thunderbolts, #JuliaLouisDreyfus, #MCU, #linkincomments, #moviesonleo, #skiptvads


#threadstorm #outreach #economy #work

Advancements in technology is moving every aspect of human system to the rooftop changing economic landscape as well as the societies expectation and the rise of Gig economy is a victim of society expectation.


In the past few years Gig economy has gradually taken over, people just get connected for just a short-term project and that's all, platforms like uber tax rabbits and many more


Many people do not really want to spend 8 to 9 hours in one job rather they prefer freelance work or contract job where they will just focus on a specific task then use the rest of their time for other important things.

Most famous Factor is the advancement of technology because just with a smartphone you can create job opportunity and also the next person that gets notification will simply apply sometimes they might do not need for interview, the expert will just get a job done and that's the end of communication.

Is Khal hiring by any chance?

#joke #jokesonleo

Coming to LeoDex soon - Monthly Trading Revenue Targets

We’ll have this feature where you can track the current month’s goal. Our goal as a community is aligned to generate more swap fee revenue for LeoDex so it can buy LEO and deploy it in the liquidity pool for LEO-CACAO

Podremos pasar dias donde las cosas no salgan bien y la unica manera de poder avanzar en algunos casos es poder liberar esas emociones y expresar cada emoción que se tenga y veras que todo vuelve a la normalidad, siendo algo que viene desde el interior.

#emotionsfeelings #spanish

Tienes razón... A veces no hay tiempo para eso... pero si, tienes razón

Gracias, se tiene que buscar ese tiempo

Have you heard about the new version of Inleo? It's based on all the feedbacks!

#joke #jokesonleo

Good day InLeo friends.

How is your day going today?

I have been busy this morning at work, but wanted to stop by and see what the INLEO crowd is up to.

#gmfrens #ctp #freecompliments

We are hanging in here :D have a nice day

Likewise, fren.


You are welcome sir, how is your day going?

busy, busy, busy, 😂😂😂

Am glad that you day went busily well... 😎😎😎😎

so far. Just a few more hours, lol

Alright, there's no problem sir ☺️😊☺️.

GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

In two days after I get my HBD interest the market might force my hand to withdraw some and get both HIVE & LEO

#markets, #threador, #theforce

I'm having similar thoughts

I can't believe this happened in #theboys

They showed both of these two like couples in first 3 seasons & in 4th one he's Gay

Lgtv propaganda ruined it

wasn't he bi the whole time?

was he??? I can't remember any such scene

He's the kind of character that they don't gave them a male partner to start but they gave them "the vibe" he was always meant to be queer

But I know how messed up is the gay agenda on marketing (not even the gay people is happy) because they wanted to make Raven Simone form it's so Raven gay just because the actress was and she didn't allow it. And on station 19 and other shows, they give romance and sex scenes to straight couples but not to gay ones, although they sell their whole shows based on that inclusion. It's just enough so they can sell, it even because they are actually in favor

That's definitely a different way to look at it.🤔

Yeah, I know queer people is sick of those "queer coded" characters that they make them kinda gay, but no.. it's like all the brands having a rainbow during pride month

oh that's the case...

It's actually weird the way they bring up this whole thing

Saw it in stranger things too... will (character) from the beginning is all fine and suddenly coming out as gay

It's awful because it just create more hate to the gay people that is just there minding theirs own business. Sure, they like to see more gay characters, but you can create them gay or give them a story that makes sense... or not make a big deal about it, they just are and that's it, not need to turn gay characters that were not, or put them in a cast of one black, one chinese, one white, one ginger, one latino, one gay... lol that is forced inclusion. I mean, I'm venezuelan, we are like all the races in a pot, and even my friends don't look like the cover of an english book

Lol. You should be used to a sprinkle in every movie of today.

it's becoming normal but it's not.

There are 5 pages