Kepler Digitals - blockchain innovation for the aviation industry

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A new blockchain project called Kepler Digitals has created a mission to utilize blockchain technology and transform the aviation industry. This industry is currently beset by so many challenges with pollution not the least of them. Air travel faces challenges including fraudulent ticketing systems, terrible loyalty programs, luggage mishandling and other issues. With Kepler digitals, the use of various blockchain features would streamline air travel and vastly reduce -if not eliminate - glaring challenges in the industry today.

In this presentation, we will take a look at what Kepler Digitals aim to achieve with blockchain innovation. To begin, take a look at just two of the many challenges facing the aviation industry that Kepler Digitals hopes to solve.

Bogus spare parts and missing luggage

The aviation industry is one where there should be little or no room for error. Unfortunately, human error and sometimes glaring negligence all combine to create a poor air travel experience. In worst case scenarios, the end is disaster. Consider the following two challenges that Kepler Digitals hope to solve with blockchain systems:

  • Spare parts supply chain tracking: Airline engineers often rely on genuine spare parts produced with the highest standards of quality. This ensures that in the processing of making or maintaining an airplane, only original parts from certified manufacturers are used. But that is not the case today as there is no standard way to track and authenticate parts as hit the supply chain.

As a result, engineers might end up working with bogus parts. Recent incidents of plain crashes have been attributed to the use of fake parts during maintenance or production. If there is no transparent, standard and industry-certified way of validating spare parts within the supply chain, then tragedies like the ones that have happened before would repeat.

  • Luggage Mishandling: Many air travelers have had their travel bags misplaced, put on the wrong flight or simply forgotten at the airport. Systems put in place to monitor luggage often fail as a result of technical issues or human error. Its really a big issue in the aviation industry as legal actions sometimes ensue due to missing bags.

With many cases of baggage mishandling across airports each year, the current systems if any to help travelers track their belongings are failing. This is a huge problem in the industry and Kepler Digitals is out to find a blockchain solution for this and more challenges.

Kepler Digitals - a blockchain solution

Kepler Digitals have identified many weaknesses in the aviation industry including the ones mentioned above. Their solution lies in using different blockchain technology features to solve known challenges. The platform is built on Avalanche blockchain. The solution they have designed would tackle 6 pain points in the aviation industry. Consider some of them:

  • Blockchain-based ticketing system and loyalties: Kelpler Digitals will introduce a ticketing solution built on the blockchain. This would solve some known challenges like ticketing frauds and price hikes. The blockchain would be used to store data about each flight ticket in a transparent manner. Among other things, airliners would be able to sell their tokenized flight tickets directly to their customers. Travelers would not fear being cheated because there is transparency in the whole process. The tickets market built on the blockchain is tamper-proof as blockchain data remain immutable.

Using tokenized tickets will also make it possible to enjoy the next feature which is loyalty rewards. Each tickets bought comes with a tokenized reward for the customer. The tokens could be used for a discount in the next ticket purchase, give exclusive air travel experience, or just exchanged for cash. This would solve today's bogus loyalty systems where it is difficult sometimes to redeem rewards by air travel customers. Kepler digitals is confident the use of tokenized tickets and rewards would bring great benefits.

This integration of blockchain into aviation represents a significant step towards a more connected, efficient, and rewarding air travel ecosystem, marking a new era for the industry with improved passenger experiences and operational insights. source

  • Supply chain tracking: Blockchain data is immutable in nature and Kepler Digitals would use this feature for spare parts authentication. Fake or bogus parts have cost airliners millions in damages as a result of plane crashes and accidents. The Kepler supply chain system would be built on the blockchain. This would make it possible for data about the source or manufacture of each part to be stored on the blockchain.

When the parts move from the manufacturer to the supplier, Kepler Digitals would provide a means to track or monitor the movement of the parts until they reach the final destination. Since this data about the spare part cannot be modified, only original parts would pass the validation process. This would ensure that bogus parts would not enter the supply chain and even if they do, they will quickly be identified using blockchain data.

This capability benefits manufacturers, airlines, and maintenance operators by streamlining the supply chain, enhancing safety standards, and facilitating quicker, more informed decision-making processes regarding aircraft maintenance and parts replacement. source

  • Professional certification: Airline engineers would also benefit from Kepler digitals as they would have a platform for learning built on the blockchain. Apart from having training courses available, Kepler Digitals would also make it easy for staff professional records and credentials to be stored on the blockchain. This would create a transparent, verifiable data that industry regulators could easily access to vet the qualifications of each staff. Besides, travelers could be given some level of access to these records to give them the confidence that they are in safe hands. For example, the data about pilots and flight attendants could be accessed on demand by travelers to calm their nerves.


Kepler Digitals hope to bring this innovative revolution to the aviation industry. Everyone in the sector would likely welcome the changes as there would be improvement in various aspects from loyalty rewards, to flight tickets and airliners professional qualifications. The revolution is real!

note: thumbnail is mine

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