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RE: Stock to Flow Nightmare: Uganda Finds More Gold Than Exists in the World

Bix Weir - Road To Roota has been talking about this for years

He talks about that the FED was actually created because they found HUGE amounts of gold in the Grand Canyon. Just waiting to be dredged.

Like the Uganda story, but really played out.

However, that said, when other currencies collapse, many people will use gold for trading/exchange.
(depending on how far the economy collapses)

Clif High had data showing that people in America were panning for gold to pay for food.

The problems i see is what size of gold pieces will actually be tradeable?
As in, will 1 oz buy a gallon of milk? or 1/10 oz? Or 1 gram? Do we need to carry .9999 fine grains?

I expect the price of gold to skyrocket...
but i also expect the price of food to go up and up and up

But, but, i agree with you, silver will be a far better investment.