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RE: 'The Penguin': Episode One Review: An okay start, with a few problems that could be ironed out

in Movies & TV Shows5 months ago

I think Marvel will be more likely to "turn" than Disney. Disney seems to have never-ending supplies of cash to burn just like Amazon who does the same thing for the most part. When Marvel absolutely killed it with Deadpool and Wolverine they may have had a serious sitdown with upper management and decided that their hands are forced and the social justice messages that they have been infusing into everything they produce was overplayed and the audiences are responding negatively in turn.

While I haven't yet seen it I have heard that the new Joker film is getting thrashed in its reception as well, which seems very very strange considering that the first film was a deviation from what was already at that point an already saturated market filled with exactly the sort of thing that was forcing Marvel fatigue. I think at this point that whoever decides to drop the attempts at social engineering via films first is going to take the prize and at least with Penguin it appears as though that is what they are most interested in. The episodes keep getting better and better IMO as the character develops.