watching movies Sekawan Limo

in Movies & TV Shows2 months ago (edited)

Hi all

how are you today? Hopefully you are always healthy and enthusiastic about carrying out every activity :)



Today I have a day off, actually where I work now I can take a day off and I'm free to choose the day. The important thing is not Friday because it will be very busy. Because today I'm on holiday, the thing I'm looking forward to is watching the film I've been waiting for, entitled Sekawan Limo or Four Five.

The film is directed by Bayu Skak, who is one of the creators of funny and exciting films. What differentiates his films from other film creators is that Bayu Skak always uses Javanese. I think it's good, with funny and exciting language, the audience always laughs at the language spoken. Bayu Skak has made several films, and there are always many fans.

This time, the film Sekawan Limo, if we look at the trailer, looks scary because it has a horror theme. It started with two climbers named Bagas and Dini who intended to climb one of the high mountains. At first it was just the two of them, but when they got to the ticket counter, the ticket booth guard suggested they join with the other climbers. The conditions for climbing the mountain must be even, not odd. Finally they found friends who were climbers, initially there were only three of them, but because they knew they couldn't be odd, they waited for more climbers, and finally there were four of them. One of them was a little strange, chose a different path and didn't follow the route, from there strange things started to happen. From here, if you read my synopsis, you will definitely think it's scary, but again, because the director is Bayu Skak, it can't be that scary hihi, throughout the film I was made to laugh. Very funny.
The storyline is good and plotwise. Makes us guess which of them is the devil.

What is certain is that this film also has lessons for us to learn. About loss, bullying, about feelings, about being trapped in the past.
If we still have a past that is unfinished and that we are still thinking about, never run away from that past. You only need to look back and you have to face it, solve it and never avoid it.

If someone leaves us, never blame ourselves. Because we need to keep living life. We just need to pray for the best and focus on the future.

Sometimes bullying is very evil. People who do evil to weak people are actually weaker people than those who are bullied. He dared to bully, but only to people he thought were afraid of him. Even though out there, people like that are definitely more afraid and more than losers.

About feelings. Sometimes admiring someone needs to be expressed. Our feelings will be calmer if we dare to express it to the person we like. If we just hide it, it will actually become a burden and really disturb us

In this film there are lots of messages and impressions that I can take away. I recommend you to watch this film. Very exciting :)


Michelle Dina

My name is michelle dina krisdayanti. I used to be called Michelle. I was born and raised in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. I'm originally from Java. My job as a singer since I was in school. I am the second child of two siblings. My hobbies are singing and dancing as well as writing. I've finished a story 1 book. But I only wrote it in my own notebook and only read by my friends. I hope that someday I can make my own book, print my own work and be able to market it in bookstores

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