What is agriculture

what is agriculture
when talking about agriculture it can be defined as the art and science of cultivating the soil, producing livestock, preparing livestock feeds, processing crops and livestock product for man .and the process of selling excess crops and livestock or agriculture may also means the production of crops rearing of animals and the general management of soil.we have importance of agriculture which goes thus:


  1. provision of food
  2. provision of income
  3. provision of market for industrial goods
  4. provision of means of transportation
  5. rural development
  6. provision of foreign exchange
  7. provision of shelter and clothing
  8. provision of employment
  9. provision of raw materials for industries
  10. Afforestation.
    problem that face agriculture development are mostly common which are, problem of land tenure, problem of basic amenities, problem of finance or poor financing,poor transportation,poor communication, problem of good storage and processing facilities,lack of good agricultural education,poor extension activities,poor tools and farm machines, unstable policies and programmes of government.
