Recommend Your Favorite Freewrite Contest
A Favorite Freewrite
Every Tuesday, you have a chance to win a membership to Hive Basic Income - HBI.
Try to win, my friends. HBI is an everlasting vote on your posts - that is nothing to sneeze at.
We also will give you Freewrite House upvotes on your comment.
We want to make this a super easy weekly chance to win for you.
Tell us in the comment section about one - or more- freewrites of others you have read. Not your own!
The comment must be at least 50 words long - no upper limit
Tell us what you liked about the freewrite and why.
See the rules below for details.
- Go to the Daily Prompt post by @mariannewest or the Freewriters Community.
- Read as many Freewrites as you can.
- Tell us about a Freewrite you really liked and why.
- Your comment must be at least 50 words long telling us about the freewrite.
Choose from the last couple of days if possible so others can go, visit, and, inspired by your description, leave a vote.
Win, Win, Win!!!
3 Hive Basic Income from @freewritehouse
One winners will be chosen by random drawing. Our decisions are final.
Let us know if you like to sponsor this contest for additional prizes.
The Rules
This is what you have to do for your chance to win.
- Leave us a comment as specified above.
- Remember, the comment must have at least 50 words.
- Leave a link to the Freewrite you are telling us about.
Here are a couple of free word count tools:
At 8 PM Pacific time the Friday after publishing this post, we will close the contest and draw the winner through a random drawing tool.
Hive Basic Income
Hive Basic Income is a social experiment to bring a basic income to as many on Hive as possible. Members join by sponsoring others into the program. Hive Basic Income is delivered through providing regular upvotes to member content.
Finding a Freewrite
In the comments, you find lots of links to all kinds of freewrites.
Join the Freewriters Community
Or search #hive-161155.
You Can Be Part of the Freewrite House!!
We are always looking for Freewriters who want to help to keep the community vibrant and interesting. Let us know if you like to get involved.
We could run all kinds of fun contests - but the truth is that running contests takes some time and effort.
If you are interested to be part of the Freewrite House, do let us know.
Join the Freewriters Hive Community!
Make sure to participate in all the fun events at the Freewrite House
Regular Features we like to bring back. Want to help?
- WE-Write
- Recommend your Favorite Freewrite and Win SBI - Tuesday
- Freewrite Favorites.
- Beta Reader Group -ongoing
- Author Reading
- Many Spanish Contests
Do you have an idea for a contest? Let us know!
Wow, what a golden opportunity, I hope I am not too late.
So for that reason, I am sharing her freewrite for this contest. Actually, the reason I came to check out this community that I bumped into this contest is because of the short five minutes write up I read from @wems she invited me to check this community
She wrote about Amaa and how she misses her since her departure. Her memories of Amaa came flashing back the day of the funeral service.
She remembered telling Amaa she would celebrate her 120-year-old. She recalled how she sat at the corner of the house with her crochet pin and wool doing what she loved doing.
Her write-up was concise and it was worth the five minutes.
Here is the link to her post
Looking forward to your writings.Thank you @zanoz . Glad you enjoyed it.
Sure dear @wems thanks too
Thank you so much for your recommendation. You are too late for this week, but you can copy and paste your comment to tomorrow's new contest post :)
Oh alright, Ma. Thank you. I hope there won't be any problem if I copy and paste it?
No problem for me. If you are worried, include a short sentence that it is copied from a late entry... or something like that.
Oh, sure I will surely do that. Thank you so much 🤗
I'm a day late, but am still going to give a shout-out to @wandrnrose7's freewrite, The Leaving.
She starts out with a description of the rain, and compares it to flowing tears, which aptly sets the scene for a sad story. I felt Peter's despair over the loss of his arm, and I felt the sadness of his mother, who couldn't make it all better for him. I wanted to know what happened next, but I also didn't want to know, just in case it got even sadder.
# 4
You are not late at all :)
I loved reading @mariannewest how the author has fallen in love with reading audiobooks. She tells us her experience of how she got into this habit as a user of Librivox.
Later she found another app called Chirp that allows her to use it for free for trial before she started reading even more. She also tells that she mostly bought books that were under one dollar, so she took the advantage of low price.
However, the price was not a matter in case she found something from her favorite writers. In short, she recommends Chirp for audiobooks.
# 3
I guess I just had to make an entry to this contest. Although you requested to choose from the last couple of days, I really would not be able to. A lot of writer's have been inactive of late so permit me to pick an older post.
my favorite freewrite happens to be that of someone I hold in high regards. His writing style leaves me in awe and because of the sole reason i want to get better than him someday, I also joined the freewriters community. In this freewrite by @hidave, even without reading the title, we'd all have our respective ideas to what the author is trying to tell us. Reading this write-up, you can't help but allow your imagination run wild. It talks about life in general, how certain people turn out to have unexpected futures, go through pain and hardships and how we often fail to recognize the beauty of life, until it's too late.
An excellent choice. Hopefully, we will get more people back to writing with us this year - or back to the blockchain(s) for that matter.
Hi @doppley linking up soon to hopefully write something together with you. Sorry I've been away. Look forward to rejoining all my friends here at hive
Great :) @hidave. I've missed your write ups to be honest lol. I also haven't been so active myself
I would like to share @rebet as a very good freewrite in this article
This article talks about how our life have to balance between good and bad things, and as we have nice moments in our life we also have moments when we suffered, and our life have many tests which we have to face .. sometimes we will success and sometimes we will fail ... so we have to be strong to face everything in this life
# 1
Deseo recomendar un freewrite muy interesante del escritor @saulos El nos cuenta una historia de piratas bajo el tema "rotación lenta". Pero en realidad no se trata de piratas como los conocemos. ¿Quiere saber cómo se relacionan piratas, limosinas, un sastre y un baile? Entonces tienes que leer este freewrite y gran creatividad de @saulos
# 2