Spavati u Sahari - Sleep in the Sahara

in Construction3 years ago (edited)


Pozdrav dragi prijatelji. Ponekad naizgled mali posao moze biti veliki izazov. Na poziv svojih komsija javio sam se da pogledam kako mogu da im pomognem. Staru spavacu sobu da pretvorim u nesto moderniju.

Hello dear friends. Sometimes a seemingly small job can be a big challenge. At the invitation of my neighbors, I answered to see how I could help them. To turn an old bedroom into something more modern.


Nista posebno neki bi rekli? Ali ne izgleda tako! Soba je radjena jako davno, i odradjena je tehnikom dekorativnim valjkom sa mustrom. Koristile su se zemljane boje i jako ih je tesko prekreciti jer su dugovecne. Takve boje su se koristile za slikanje zidova u crkvama freske. Dodatni problem predstavljao je budzet koji je mali. A tu je i ogroman orman za stvari i ogroman spavaci krevet koji moraju da ostanu u sobi.

Nothing special some would say? But it doesn't look like that! The room was made a long time ago, and was done with the technique of a decorative roller with a pattern. Earth-colored paints have been used and are very difficult to paint because they are long-lasting. Such paints were used to paint the walls in church frescoes. An additional problem was the small budget. And there is a huge closet for things and a huge sleeping bed that must stay in the room.


Prekreciti plafon i 3 zida u belo,a na jednom zidu odraditi dekorativnu tehniku Saharu, pustinjsku oluju u srebrnoj boji. Gletovanje zidova nije moglo zbog budzeta a i samo gletovanje i smirglanje zidova zbog ormana i kreveta.

Paint the ceiling and 3 walls white, and on one wall do the decorative technique Sahara, a desert storm in silver. Smoothing the walls was not possible due to the budget, and only smoothing and sanding the walls due to closets and beds.


Postavio sam najlone i foliju za namestaj preko namestaja. Prekrecio sam plafon a zidove presao podlogom Maxi blok. Ta podloga sluzi za prekrivanje fleka, budzi, salitre, zutila. Kada se osusila podloga sve zidove prekrecio sam Maxi disperzivnom bojom u belo.

I put nylons and furniture foil over the furniture. I painted the ceiling over and covered the walls with Maxi Block. This base serves to cover stains, boils, saltpetre, yellow. When the substrate dried, I painted all the walls with Maxi dispersion paint in white.




Po susenju zidova spremio sam zid na koji cu odraditi Sahari. Naneo sam podlogu u boji i po susenju podloge, sutra dan odradio sam Saharu.

After drying the walls, I prepared a wall on which to work on the Sahara. I applied the colored base and after the base dried, I did the Sahara the next day.




Po zavrsetku posla sklonio sam najlone i foliju za namestaj i obrisao pod. Za malu kolicinu novca i uz dobrog majstora i komsiju moguce je pretvoriti staru spavacu sobu u lepu i prijatnu. Toliko iz moga sveta boja i dekorativnih tehnika. Pozdrav od mene.

When I was done, I removed the nylons and furniture foil and wiped the floor. For a small amount of money and with a good master and neighbor, it is possible to turn an old bedroom into a beautiful and pleasant one. So much from my world of colors and decorative techniques. Greetings from me.


Hello @ujka-vs! Nice clean job on the renovation! The Sahara paint just looks clean and chic. The color choice was perfect. Totally agree how a small amount of money can turn an old bedroom to a beautiful one.

This is so cool to have a Construction Community here in Hive! Hopefully, other people will also be able to share their construction techniques and methods here.

 3 years ago  

Hello my dear, I am very glad that you like my work, I have been in this business for over 20 years, and really with a little money, experience and imagination I can beautifully redecorate my home. In my stories, I describe in detail how it is done, so it can be clear to everyone. See my other stories, and there will be more beautiful stories and works. I greet you very much.