

The neurons of the young grow faster than adults. They must because they know less and need to adapt faster. They need to rapidly reshape the adaptive map of their mind to fit some ever changing form of reality. But as we age the plasticity in our neocortices decreases and our brains naturally produce less connections. We start a process of synaptic pruning. This process of gradually slowing how rapidly a brain learns helps a person form a functional map that enables them to function and relate to society.

There is a value to finding balance between the time weathered maps of older minds and the rapidly changing maps of the youth. In fact by acting just as curious and playful as we were in our younger years this process of synaptic pruning does not occur. If you continue to fundamentally challenge yourself you will continue to grow new connections.

If you feel young, remember that the beauty of your mind is its plasticity so embrace learning and change. If you feel old, cherish the experience your brain has gained but also stay open to new perspectives. And if you are in-between, be a bridge between these two times of map-making; helping those who cannot yet see what lies ahead while not getting lost yourself.

This card is a sign to embrace the spirit of youth no matter the age and continue to challenge yourself as you age. What is as challenging as an infant learning a language with no prior context? Place yourself in an equal state of challenge to result in a proportional increase in neural growth.

Periods of dense neural growth are very productive creative states. Use this knowledge wisely.


Cool work are you making these cards?

AI : )

Both the text and the writing. The language model that wrote it is trained on the Cognicist Manifesto which is a document I wrote outlining a new form of collective decision making by interfacing through generative text models like GPT-3. So in some ways the deck is made using the manifesto.

Nice makes sense given the look. Thanks for sharing.

This is beautiful.

This card is a sign to embrace the spirit of youth no matter the age and continue to challenge yourself as you age.

Perfect words you found to describe your artwork.

For me it looks even like a spiritual awakening. Rehived!!! 💖💯🤗🎨