Ithaqa Comic Issue 6 Thumbnails Pages 9 - 10

in Alien Art Hivelast year

Ithaqa - Issue 6 - thumbnails-9-10.jpg

Here is a teamup that I didn't initially expect, Lt. Chuck Smith and Ruth Addler! It never occured to me, because prior to issue 4 I never even considered that Harvey would die.

I've talked a lot with you all about how realizing that Harvey would fuck up big in issue 4 created a momentum that carried me forward for many issues. If Harvey is dead, Chuck is going to go ballistic. He's going to assume Rosie did it. He needs leads to follow in order to get the vengeance he craves, and the only cultist he has access to right now is Ezekiel, arrested the night before. Ezekiel was shot and is therefore in the hospital, Ruth works in the hospital and Ruth saved Chuck's life the night before. It all comes together as if planned, and yet it was not, at least not consciously, haha.

Lisa and I always talk about storytelling should be surprising and yet completely inevitable, I feel that issues 4-6 really began to teach me that lesson.


Read Issues 1-2 as a webcomic:

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Theresa Chiechi's (The Artist @la-fumettista) website is here:


Is this story writing itself or are you in control? I like it that you are surprised.

I always liked Stephen King's metaphor that writing is like noticing a red thread coming up from under the floor board, and you start pulling the thread and theres more, so you keep pulling.

Also thank you for cross posting in comics, very helpful!

When I write songs they sometimes take unexpected directions. The human brain is a wonderful thing.