Happy Green Bug

in Alien Art Hive4 years ago


Coming on March 6th to AsyncArt with a premiere interview of Bård Ionson on Rare Bird by Ann Marie Alanes

Happy Green Bug Lives video on MakersPlace.

Rosencrantz is not dead he lives as a bug now. Watching life pass by sitting on a leaf. The world moves by and he has a surprised look on his face. In the AsyncArt version of the art Guildenstern another bug joins him.


My daughter found this green bug in my generative art images and was so excited to see it come to life as it makes faces in the art transitions. It makes her happy just to see it. She is now working on painting her own version of the Happy Green Bug.

Another video art version on Super Rare - Happy Green Bug 4K

In this art I reference Rosencrantz and Guildenstern from play Hamlet and Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead because of the culture of the world moving on from the theater of the absurd and the ideas of conceptual found art by Marcel Duchamp and Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven.

It plays into the source of the artwork which comes from my massive artwork called Fountain. It is a collection of over 500 artificial intelligence / machine learning generated images of toilets and the model they came from. It take the idea of the toilets of the world, including squat toilets, and transform them into art. This Fountain art can be used for free by anyone to make new art and sell it anyway they like.


Come visit my art on SuperRare, MakersPlace and AsyncArt