Lava Spider - Splinterlands Contest

in Alien Art Hivelast month

Hey friends

I have created a version of a SLava Spider, working harder and harder with fresh adobe every day and learning more and more, I hope you like it!


Few explorers dare to go deep within the volcanoes of the world. Tales are told of great spiders that weave threads of fire and trap their enemies in webs of flame. An inescapable and painful death.

When the Chaos Legion entered the Splinterlands through the great volcano in the center of Praetoria, they saw the lava spiders and used them to their advantage. Transporting these spiders into areas that need defense is a win-win for both groups. For the Chaos Legion, it is an easy barrier to ward off unwanted visitors. And for the lava spiders, they get free meals from the curious, the foolish, and the unwary adventurers that seek to strike at the Chaos Legion.
The dwarven warrior crept his way towards a long stretch of stone corridor. It had taken him months to find this secret entrance within the dense jungle. A hideout for supporters of the Chaos Legion. He intended to destroy them all and make safe the area once again.

He made his way silently into the corridor, gripping his dagger tightly. But as he trekked further into the darkness, he felt the heat increase. A heavy frown crossed his features. That wasn't right. Why was it getting so hot?

He turned a corner and stifled an alarmed cry. Crisscrossing the corridor were strands of spiderwebs that glowed red hot. He brought his dagger up, but it was too late. A searing pain stabbed into his back.

He was unconscious by the time the burning web was wrapped around him.








And learning to use fresco adobe so I participated with this work of art, which cost me a lot to learn, although it seems simple, it took me about 6 hours doing it hehe


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