Kaleido Star: An Anime that Today is a Classic ~ [Spa-Eng]

in The Anime Realm4 months ago

𝙺𝚊𝚕𝚎𝚒𝚍𝚘 𝚂𝚝𝚊𝚛


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Kaleido Star.  Hola a todos los Otakus de la Comunidad de @theanimerealm. Ayer no alcancé a publicar nada por aquí como tenía planeado en otras ocasiones, estuve muy ocupada haciendo otras cosas. Sin embargo, hoy les vengo a hablar un poco sobre un animé que, aunque no es super bueno, lo recomiendo porque resulta bastante entretenido. Se trata de

  A ver, pero ¿por qué este animé no es tan bueno en sí pero aun así lo quieres recomendar? Bueno, les explico, esta historia la transmitían en televisión, si mal no recuerdo en Cartoon Network y era uno de mis favoritos porque contaba una historia totalmente diferente y me recordaba un poco al estilo de Sakura Card Captors por los atuendos que usaba la protagonista.

  Así que básicamente fue por eso que la vi. Eso y que me ponía de buen humor ver a esta chica llamada Sora (como el protagonista del videojuego Kingdom Hearts), que significa cielo. Ella en sí me resultaba resplandeciente como un sol con su personalidad tan extrovertida y sin miedo a mostrarse tal cual es, sin importar de las duras críticas ni el qué dirán. Para mí, esto fue admirable y una de las razones más fuertes de seguirla viendo.

  Ahora, la historia en general trata sobre la vida en el circo tan bueno como lo es Cirque Du Soleil, en donde lo que más abundan son trapecistas y malabaristas. Sora quien es una de las protagonistas, desea ser una estrella del circo formando parte del equipo de los trapecistas, ya que de niña tuvo una experiencia en un show con estos y quedó maravillada a tal punto de querer ser una también.

  Sora quedó huérfana a temprana edad y tuvo que vivir con su tío, pero al tener 16 años se embarca a EEUU para formar parte de su tan adorado circo. Pero al llegar allí no todo es color de rosas, ya que abunda el desprecio y desagrado de quienes ya forman parte de la compañía, que al parecer está casi en banca rota.

  Y bueno, la historia relata la evolución de Sora dentro del circo, no toca temas románticos ni Crushes ni nada por el estilo. Tampoco es dramática, ya que tiene bastantes toques de comedia y de ganas de superarse. Esta serie en sí está cargada de mucho optimismo. Y Sora, a pesar de que llega al circo en un mal momento, empieza a despertar chispas en los demás cargadas de inspiración.

  El problema con esta serie es que tiene toques bastante infantiles y a su vez muestra ciertas incoherencias que le hacen a uno preguntarse (ya como adulto), ¿por qué dejan que suceda esto? como, por ejemplo, la adopción de una foca como si fuera un animal doméstico.

  Eso y que, por vueltas de la vida, casi todos los miembros de ese circo perdieron algún familiar en un accidente automovilístico. ¿Casualidad? ¿Falta de ideas para crear un buen argumento? ¿Intentaron crear alguna conexión especial con los personajes? Honestamente no lo sé, pero es un aspecto a resaltar que me resultó algo incoherente.

  Por supuesto que los efectos son muy de los 90, o al menos es la impresión que me causó ya que los efectos de los saltos y shows realizados por los personajes son bastante exagerados, muy al estilo de Caballeros del Zodiaco. Escenas en las que las peleas duraban como 4 o 7 capítulos, y en cada episodio uno de los personajes lanzaba un golpe.

  Algo así ocurre en Kaleido Star pero con los saltos y volteretas 🤣🤣🤣. Pero aparte de estos detalles, el animé en sí es muy bonito y entretenido. Por estas razones le asigno sólo 3 de 5 Estrellitas Doradas y la recomiendo si te llama la atención este tipo de historias poco comunes.

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𝙳𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚝𝚞 𝚘𝚙𝚒𝚗𝚒ó𝚗 𝚎𝚗 𝚞𝚗 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚘
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𝙷𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚊 𝙼𝚒 𝙿𝚛ó𝚡𝚒𝚖𝚘 𝙿𝚘𝚜𝚝

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Kaleido Star.  Hello to all the Otakus of the @theanimerealm Community. Yesterday I didn't manage to post anything here as I had planned on other occasions, I was swamped doing other things. However, today I'm here to talk a little bit about an anime that, although it's not super good, I recommend it because it's quite entertaining. It is about

  Let's see, why is this anime not so good in itself but you still want to recommend it? Well, let me explain, this story was broadcasted on TV, if I remember correctly on Cartoon Network and it was one of my favorites because it told a different story and reminded me a little bit of Sakura Card Captor style because of the outfits the main character wore.

  So that's basically why I watched it. That put me in a good mood to see this girl named Sora (like the main character of the video game Kingdom Hearts), which means heaven. She was as bright as sunshine to me with her outgoing personality and unafraid to show herself as she is, regardless of harsh criticism or what people might say. For me, this was admirable and one of the strongest reasons to keep watching her.

  Now, the story in general is about life in a circus as good as Cirque Du Soleil, where trapeze artists and jugglers abound. Sora, who is one of the main characters, wants to be a star of the circus by being part of the team of trapeze artists since as a child she had an experience in a show with them and was amazed at the point of wanting to be one too.

  Sora was orphaned at an early age and had to live with her uncle, but at the age of 16 she embarks to the USA to be part of his beloved circus. But when she arrives there, not everything is rosy, as there is a lot of disdain and dislike from those who are already part of the company, which seems to be almost bankrupt.

  And well, the story tells the evolution of Sora inside the circus, it doesn't touch romantic themes or Crushes or anything like that. It's not dramatic either, since it has many touches of comedy and the desire to improve oneself. This series itself is loaded with a lot of optimism. And Sora, even though she arrives at the circus at a bad time, begins to awaken sparks of inspiration in others.

  The problem with this series is that it has quite childish touches and at the same time shows certain incoherencies that make one wonder (as an adult), why they let this happen, such as, for example, the adoption of a seal as if it were a domestic animal.

  That and the fact that, due to life's twists and turns, almost all the members of the circus lost a family member in a car accident. Coincidence? Lack of ideas to create a good plot? Did they try to create some special connection with the characters? I honestly don't know, but it's an aspect to highlight that I found somewhat incoherent.

  Of course, the effects are very '90s, or at least that's the impression it gave me since the effects of the jumps and shows performed by the characters are quite exaggerated, very much in the style of Saint Seiya. Scenes where the fights lasted like 4 or 7 chapters, and in each episode one of the characters threw a punch.

  Something like that happens in Kaleido Star but with the jumps and flips 🤣🤣🤣🤣. But aside from these details, the anime itself is very cute and entertaining. For these reasons I assign it only 3 out of 5 Gold Stars and recommend it if this kind of unusual story catches your attention.

𝚃𝚎𝚕𝚕 𝚖𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚘𝚙𝚒𝚗𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚒𝚗 𝚊 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝
𝙸 𝚠𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍 𝚢𝚘𝚞
𝚄𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚕 𝙼𝚢 𝙽𝚎𝚡𝚝 𝙿𝚘𝚜𝚝

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I never thought I'd see a review of Kaleido Star. It seems like only a few people liked this anime, but I personally loved it. Unfortunately, I had classes during the time it aired on TV, so I never got the chance to watch it unless I had no class and it happened to be on. I only caught glimpses of it due to the lack of resources on where to watch it before like around 2006. I have a vague idea of the show, but I know the main character wants to be a star like the blonde girl she admires. The opening song is what I remember most about this anime, it's so nostalgic to hear to this day. Now that there are many free streaming apps available, I plan to watch it and better understand the show. I might have been spoiled in this post, but I don't mind though, it only makes me more excited to watch it.😍

Great review, by the way! 😊

hahaha just a few little things, but I didn't say who. I try not to make spoilers; if I did, they would be general details, nothing specific or deep. However, I will consider your opinion for being a fan of this series and be more attentive to avoid Spoilers.

I appreciate seeing another fan of this series. I too plan to watch it in its entirety, I never got to see all the episodes because the channel did not run the series continuously, I think it was in full broadcast and that is why they repeated episodes.

I appreciate you stopping by and commenting. A hug and have a nice day. 💕

No llegué a ver esta serie en su momento, y ahora me despiertas la curiosidad. Ciertamente que las series de los 90 tenían ese toque de trama un poco débil, en que te preguntas hoy en día cómo fue que no se les ocurrió algo más creativo para explicar algunas cosas locas que pasaban en las historias.

Esa referencia de los Caballeros del Zodiaco me ha hecho reír, en verdad, que eran cosas exageradas, y duraban más que un chisme con comerciales.

Pensando de nuevo lo de tramas un poco simples, o de explicaciones que fallaban en profundidad, me pone a pensar que he visto algunas series de otras décadas anteriores, por curiosidad, y ese era un problema bastante común. Parece que si bien tenía algún grado de complejidad en la psicología de los personajes, es en tiempo más reciente que dejan de lado algunas simplificaciones infantilísimas.

!GIF Anime Serie TV 90's

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It depends on what side of the bathroom door you're on.

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jajajaja si viste Caballeros del Zodiaco, sabes de lo que hablo jajaja ese estrés generado en cada pelea que dejaban a mitad de camino y uno quedaba NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! y hasta la próxima semana jajajaja qué de recuerdos.

Ahora, Kaleido Star no gustó mucho por sus toques infantiles y me imagino que por la trama en sí. Le falta como algo para que sea espectacular. Si la ves, sabrás a qué me refiero. Agradezco que pasaras y comentaras, así como también los tokens recibidos 💕 un millon!


I remember that I never watched this anime, it didn't call my attention, but I was waiting for it to be broadcasted because I loved the opening haha I remember that marathon afternoon, I was patiently waiting for the OP to be shown 😂

hahaha the Opening is great. I love it too. Yes, this anime has a certain audience, it didn't catch most people's attention, I imagine because of the plot but it's cute. Thanks for stopping by and commenting! 💕

I don't think it's an anime I would watch, but I understand the reasons why you liked it. From a certain angle it can be interesting, the things that happen in circuses give opportunities for good plots to develop.

Thanks for sharing!

Yes, this anime is not for everyone. I honestly know very few people who liked this series. I didn't love it and it's not my favorite but I'm fond of it and I'm about to watch it in full this time because at that time the channel where it was broadcasted didn't broadcast it in full XD Thanks for stopping by and commenting. 💕

Zero catches my attention, maybe the fact that the story is based on Cirque du Soleil might make it interesting but I don't know, it's not my style at all. Some anime from the 90s were really weird...

If zodiac knights took a while, Goku and the others were immortal then. I think DB abused that element more.

Lol yeah, that's right, even though this series is from 2004 it kept that style. And it's fine if it's not your type. This is one of those series that little appealed to the audience because of the story. However, I found it cute because of the main character's desire to overcome. Thanks for stopping by and commenting! 💕

se ve buena, tiene una trama que llama la atención, aunque no la vi, me gustaría verla jeje buen post!

it looks good, it has a plot that catches my attention, although I didn't see it, I would like to see it hehe good post!

Bueno, supieras que hay muy pocos fans de esta serie. Sin embargo, si llegas a verla, espero que sea de tu agrado y la disfrutes. Tiene cosas lindas. Gracias por pasar y comentar! 💕