Back to bullet baby / taking advantage of my training

I continue with the training to reinforce those excellent results that I have had in the Friday Hivechess, two podiums in a row! with very good games played and a result that is the product of the training of these days

Today it is the turn of the marathon in bullet mode, where we only have 1 minute to play the whole game and here there is a little more practice in my mental reflexes and in how fast I can craft the plans on the board

and there are a couple of very interesting games!

Although bullet is mostly defined by the speed you have on the mouse, I think that at this level the differences on the board can be minimal but we still know how to take advantage of them! like in this game where a positional error was enough to get on top and end a very good game

those endgames with the bishops are complicated, but as long as you remember to have the pawns on the opposite side of your opponent's bishop

There are also positions where due to some carelessness someone loses a piece but continues playing despite the position being lost, the issue is that in these time controls anything can happen and the inaccuracies are in that range of possibilities, just check this game where it gets complicated precisely because of the lack of time

and finally there are games where everything goes well, I was Practicing a new variation of the French, an opening that I hadn't studied much until recently, and applying what I learned in a game and winning this way gives me a major boost

Just look at that combination, everywhere there were pieces that could capture the enemy king, but I also embellished the position with a rook sacrifice that seemed logical to me considering the position


Nice games last week.
I really enjoy playing bullet. I crossed 2k about two weeks ago.

Bullet is too fast for me. I only play 3 minutes blitz and I still lose on time 😅
Your games are exciting and your rating is already over 2k, great job!