Sleeping Kingdom series, The Vessel

in OnChainArtlast year (edited)

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I feel empty.
I sink into the silence.
I close my eyes. I listen.

Hollow sounds bounce off the empty walls of my insides.
There is a hum in my head.

I look at my hands. I follow the paths of my fingerprints. The image blurs.
I clench my fists so tightly until my knuckles turn white.

I taste the air. I draw air deep into my lungs, hold it... slowly exhaling until my head feels dizzy.

I feel a tingling in my fingertips.

I open my eyes quickly.

I am overwhelmed by the chill of the evening,
and emptiness.

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Sacrifice a sleep to visit the Sleeping Kingdom!

It is very difficult to get into a role when you do not have much time. When I draw or write in a hurry, I feel that my focus leaves me every now and then. I distract myself because I'm stressed by the minutes passing by. Lately I've been drawing during breaks at work, 10 minutes here, half an hour there. I can't just carry on drawing because I have to get into character, and it takes time.

I can't be completely myself as I create, can I? I have to wander, to search. To listen.

Filling my vessel until it overflows.... then it is time to create. Then I have enough 'material'.

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About the drawing

Today I have for you the work from the series 'Sleeping Kingdom'. I called the work 'The Vessel' and it was the word that kept popping into my head, while I was drawing. When I say this word out loud, I never literally have a 'vessel' in my head but a shaman figure always comes to my mind.
A dark figure dancing in its strange costume, in a trance, filling itself up like a vessel.

I think, it is possible to find a link to everyday life. Many people proudly refer to themselves as self-made people. This has always made me wonder. How much of ourselves is in us? How much do we take from our surroundings, and how much do we really give?

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I have to admit, I treated this drawing quite cruelly, I might even call it a 'stress relief tool'.
As I have an overwhelming amount of responsibilities at work this month, I used every 5 minutes to draw for a while, but as I was feeling the pressure (because, you know, I can't just sit here and draw!!! as there is so much to do!!!) I thought I'd have a bit of fun. So! I used watercolours and watercolour pencils in addition to my favourite cheap black pens. I think I missed the moment when I should have finished and left the work as it is, but my head has not been my ally this week :)

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Have a lovely weekend!
Strega Azure























Drawing & pics if not stated otherwise, are my authorship,
all rights reserved ©

I've used 'F' pencil, 'toma' black pen, noname - tesco black pen, white Gelly Roll 08 by Sakura, waterproof ink-pen 'technic' by Rystor, watercolours Daler -Rowney and watercolour pencils by Koh-I-Noor

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Nice story 😊
Keep up the good work 👍👍
Came from @dreemport

Thank you very much!

a heartfelt poem, nice personal description of how having to rush makes you feel and the impacty it has on your work, and I love the pictures showing the development of your peice. thanks for sharing

I would love to have more time on my hands, but it is what it is!
Thank you for popping by!

Amazing art! I love the progression and unfoldment that led to the final image. It's imperfectly perfect :)

Thank you for your comment!
Yeah, I tend to overworking my drawings, it is really interesting to see afterwards on the pictures at what point 'I went to far' :)

Spectacular art as always✨

🤗Thank you for popping by!

It's always a pleasure ✨

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Wonderful talent.I can see what you mean though... sometimes we can overwork the art. whilst the final product is good, I think I also prefer a few of the earlier iterations. I think my faves are... the image just before you added colour, and the image when you had only coloured the face. Great share as usual !LUV !PIZZA

Thank you very much! Agree in 100%! I feel exactly the same, and I would picked the same ones as you did!
To be honest I was hesitant to even post all pictures, but again - I think it is important to show our flaws from time to time.
The whole picture so to say :)

I love your progressions... it's very enlightening. One can almost see your creative mind at work... and state of mind as you draw. Fascinating. And I think as a progression or montage the collection works well in that respect !PIZZA !ALIVE

You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE(7/10)! to your account on behalf of @samsmith1971.

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You are fuelling my vanity 🤣Thank you for all kind words @samsmith1971

on serious note though, your comments help a bunch! I actually had draft showing 3 stages of work, I wanted to put this as a cover photo - but then I realized that it beats the whole propose of showing progress 😀

I will definitely use your idea of a triptych though, but well planned and with stronger intention in mind. Thank you!


Watching this unfold as your captured your process was wonderful.

I'm glad you hate dill. I hate dill as well. I've followed you so I can see more of your work in the future, and so that we may unite in our hatred of Dill.

Watching this unfold as your captured your process was wonderful.

my post-hive way of working on drawings was completely different, I would never though about documenting whole process. Now I really like it! More so - i have tendency to overdoing my drawings. But, because I have all those pictures - I can always 'ctrl+Z' 😁 manual drawing isn't so forgiving!

Oh... don't get me started on dill! I think the first thing I remember about it, was the huge hot plate of delicious potato's, and my Mum said, 'stop, I have to add freshly cut dill for better taste'... oh boy... that was that. Couldn't touch it! Hate it ever since. 🙌Fellow dill hater! We definitely need a flag!

Thank you for stepping by and following! Really appreciate!

I bet your mother wished life had a Ctrl+Z after adding dill to those potatoes. A true tragedy.

I tend to sometimes overdo my photographic work as well, the benefit is post processing is easy to undo, but when the histogram starts to get cliffs, instead of natural transitions between colours, that's not a great thing.

Regarding the official Dill hatred society... Not only does there need to be a flag, but a uniform, a mission statement, a secret handshake...

I bet your mother wished life had a Ctrl+Z after adding dill to those potatoes. A true tragedy.

My whole family loves dill, it is just the worst!

I tend to sometimes overdo my photographic work as well, the benefit is post processing is easy to undo, but when the histogram starts to get cliffs, instead of natural transitions between colours, that's not a great thing.

Get what you are saying. Sometimes I nearly feel my brain is switching off for some time, and there you have it - I just covered half of the page with random lines 🤣

Regarding the official Dill hatred society... Not only does there need to be a flag, but a uniform, a mission statement, a secret handshake...

I am so digging it!! Uniform has to include really fancy top hat!

I want to stick Biohazard stickers on Dill containing products.

And they should be massive! Fluorescent! With a picture of a big, bloodthirsty dill!

Sigh. I will have to fire up Stable Diffusion and make this a reality later today.

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