peaches looked green from so many beetles feeding on them
oh my!!!! I cant imagine this picture.... but as a witness, tell me, what about the fruit trees? did your peaches suffer from such a beetles flood? wiki says they are not considered as pests and give no har mto the trees (even tho they feed off their flowers). curious.
Oh yeah they would completely eat the fruit of the peach down to the pit. Fortunately they didn't do too much harm as we harvest the peaches before they come out. They only got to eat late fruiting peaches. They like to eat apples too. Here's an example Though now that I look closer your beetle appears slightly different.
thats simply a-ma-zing!!! I'd love to feed this army with my late apples (often we have almost none, hehe) xD
that is quite legit. again, as wiki states, this beetle has a lot of design varieties: intraspecific diversity in coloration is very high; 7 subspecies are known, which differ in area, body integument sculpture and coloration. In turn, within the subspecies, many aberrations are distinguished, which differ from each other in color and the presence or absence of hairs in certain parts of the body. (wiki)
I learned since being a five year old child the stunningly colored emerald green Japanese beetles are the absolute worst! Awesome video of the shits! @sketch.and.jam !LADY
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