The Quest to find Peace and Happiness

in Hive Learners2 months ago

Hello Everyone in this Amazing Community
I hope this post met you all well.



Happiness is something deeper that the feeling of being happy.
True happiness is a kind of feeling, usually it Is an immersive feeling that everything is good inside.
When you are truly happy, it is not just about riches or wealth; true Happiness is a state of mind in which one has a satisfying and fulfilling feeling, that his heart is truly at rest.


This days people just walk around with mask of Happy faces. You look at them sharing that smiles, on social medias, at work, at home they wear that smile but deep down it is pure pains, heartbreaks , conflict and depressed state of mind they are actually hiding.
You might see someone very full of life today and just some hours later you get a news that that same person have taken his own Life.


A lot of people are fighting battles that they don't care to share to other people, this leads them to a stage of depression and anxiety.
Worldwide the economy keeps getting worst, inflation everywhere, bad leaders with their bad governance, desperate people doing just anything to survive including the darkest possible behaviour and acts don't even seems to bother them.

Right here in Nigeria, a lot of hardship and desperation. But we have grown so much resilience and strength that we always find a way to be happy, although that doesn't stop some citizens to fall into depression.
One of the things you need to avoid when you are feeling sad or in a very depressed state of mind is to live in isolation.
We humans are very social beings, we thrive by connecting with people, this is why being alone and without connection with love ones can be really very dangerous.
Don't keep anything that is affecting you to your self, make sure you voice it out, even if it won't yield any possible outcomes.

The thing I do to keep me Truly Happy, even when things are falling apart.

I usual Do what I love doing: sometimes I do those things that make me happy, my hobbies: singing (listening to music)and tech.


I Locate my Joy Givers
I talk to people that truly makes me happy or at least hearing or talking to them gives me joy and inner peace. The person can be my family members, friends, a colleague or anyone am fond of.
I also go online, I check through the news and social media, I watch movies, Including some comedy skits and preaching, reading the Bible or any other activities.

I try to Live or Work in the moment
Most of the time to avoid being overly concerned or sad about any goal yet to be met, I usually get myself relaxed, so as no to get stressed thinking about things that I have to do later on. I usually focus on what's at hand in the moment, and face whatever i need to do presently.

I try as much as possible to avoid Negative Energy
Try as much as possible to avoid negative people, people who are not saying or doing anything positive or Optimistic.

Finally Do something creative and Treat yourself like a king
You are the best and you are strong

Thanks so much for Reading❤️

Do have a lovely day

Posted Using InLeo Alpha

 2 months ago  

You are right, a lot of people are laughing but we don't know the problem or challenge they are facing

 2 months ago  

Honestly people are suffering and smiling these days

 2 months ago  

You are right about the economic crisis. They are devastating.

I agree to you on the point of avoiding negative energy. When we shun those negative vibes we automatically feel better. As in our case, we have avoided to watch news. It offers nothing good

 2 months ago  

Thanks you so much for your contribution and support @amberkashif

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Curated by amberkashif

 2 months ago  

Thanks you

 2 months ago  

Avoiding negativity is very crucial if we must be truly happy because there are 1001 this ready to steal our joy

 2 months ago  

Very very important o

 2 months ago  

The way times are going, it is impossible to find peace, even after success, happiness and peace are not found. People do not respect at all.