A delicious coffee with morning rain/Un rico café con lluvia mañanera. ENG-ESP


Good morning my beloved coffee lovers, this space smells so delicious right?
Today is a wonderful day, full of blessings, asking for more from life is falling into complaints. Thank you universe for this beautiful moment with my coffee, I have enjoyed today's coffee very much since very early I only hear the rain through my window on a cloudy and cool morning that snuggles us.
I went down to the living room and it already smelled like coffee, today my mom beat me to it and the coffee was ready and I loved remembering every morning when I was a child, a teenager, my mom was in the kitchen brewing the coffee and preparing breakfast for both of us (my mom didn't I want photos)
I looked out on the porch and it was still raining, it was not torrential but it was still sparkling, at the end you could see the mountain between the clouds and some rays of the sun that reminded us that today is a new day, sitting on the porch I am enjoying my favorite brand of coffee . My taste buds were active, savoring the delight of each morning, my heart swollen with faith and hope, grateful to enjoy the blessings of our beloved land. I thought: this rain surely refreshes each coffee crop in the mountains and gives its grain of sand, the smell of rain along with the smell of coffee was the perfect combination, it filled me with peace and joy.
Rain and coffee are a blessing.
Do you like drinking coffee in the rain? ☕ 😃
A hug full of favorite coffee




In Spanish

Buenos días mis adorados amantes al café, este espacio huele tan rico cierto?
Hoy es un día maravilloso, lleno de bendiciones, pedirle más a la vida es caer en quejas. Gracias universo por este bello momento junto a mi café, el café de hoy lo he disfrutado mucho desde muy temprano solo escucho la lluvia por mi ventana una mañana nublada y fresca que nos acurruca.
Bajé al living y ya olía a café, hoy mi mamá se me adelantó ya el café estaba listo y me encantó recordar cada mañana cuando era niña, adolescente mi mamá en la cocina colando el café y preparando un desayuno para las dos ( mi mamá no quiso fotos)

Me asome al porche y sigue lloviendo no estaba a torrencial pero aún chispeaba, se veía al final la montaña entre las nubes y algunos rayos del sol que nos recordaba que hoy es un nuevo día, sentada en el porche voy disfrutando mi café marca favorito. Mis papilas gustativas estaban activa saboreando la delicia de cada mañana, con el corazón inflado lleno de fe y esperanza, agradecida de disfrutar las bendiciones de nuestra amada tierra. Pensaba: está lluvia que de seguro refresca cada cultivo de café en la montaña y da su granito de arena, el olor a llovía junto al de café era la combinación perfecta, me lleno de paz y alegría.
La lluvia y el café son una bendición.

¿Te gusta tomar café bajo la lluvia? ☕ 😃

Un abrazo lleno de café favorito

 2 months ago  

Coffee and a rainy day are absolutely enchanting to me as well! It's lovely that you also woke up to your mother making breakfast, that sounds like an A+ start to the day to me!

Hey, while you're here, why not check out the posts of some other members of the community as well? Connection makes the coffee taste better! 😋😄

Plzzz engage.jpg

It is lovely on rainy or cold mornings to enjoy our coffee, what a pleasure to read you transmit optimism. Thank you Nice day

The rain has a beautiful energy, together with coffee it gives us tranquility and serenity. Let's enjoy a cup of coffee in the rain. Thanks for reading me ☺️

 2 months ago  

It's great to see you, as always! Have a Coffee-Licious Day:)

Add a he-3.jpg

All images belong to millycf1976

A hot coffee in the rain is the best experience you can have, there is a bit of mysticism, connection and total peace. By the way, I love your mug, it's very pretty.

Thanks for sharing your coffee experience.☕

Good day with lots of coffee.

I agree with you, it is a connection of peace, and what better way to start the day than that. I'm glad you like my mug, I virtually served you coffee in it. a hug

 2 months ago  

Hey there!

While you're here, you might want to check out our updated community rules.

Thank you!

Cinnamon Cup Coffee Community Rules.jpg

General Community Rules

Updated: 5 July 2024

⚠️ An AI-unfriendly community
⚠️ Zero tolerance for Plagiarism.
⚠️ Post in English or include a translation into English (Post Titles & the main story).
⚠️ 250 words minimum (In English).
⚠️ Do not post dual languages side by side, or in blocks. Post the entire English as the dominant language above and the entire native language below. This way we can listen to posts using the PeakD function.

⚠️ No recycling/reposting of text or photos.
⚠️ The community logo is not for personal use. Taking images from another account in general is considered photo theft. ⚠️ At least 3 different photos. No stock photos. Photo requirements apply to #spillthebeans and all other community prompts.

Ese café es perfecto para estos días de lluvia, he probado esa marca es económica y buena pues es fuerte como me gusta. Saludos

I live in the city of two seasons: when it doesn't rain and when it looks like it's going to rain, as a friend jokingly said! hahaha....
I love to drink coffee when it rains. It's an out of the ordinary experience and you can take advantage of wearing a sweater that's sleeping in the closet.
The pattering of the rain is beautiful and invites you to think and evoke.
I certainly love it.