FungiFriday Réserve Faunique Papineau Labelle, Québec

in FungiFriday3 months ago

This is the first time I've taken part in the #FungiFriday organized by @ewkaw. It's true that I rarely have the opportunity to photograph mushrooms. So this past weekend in the Réserve Faunique de Papineau Labelle in the Laurentians, Quebec, I took the opportunity to snap a few shots of the specimens I came across on my forest walks.

@ewkaw. Il est vrai que j'ai rarement l'occasion de photographier des champignons. Alors pendant le weekend dernier dans la Réserve Faunique de Papineau Labelle dans les Laurentides au Québec, j'en ai profité pour prendre quelques clichés des spécimens rencontrés lors des balades en forêt.C'est la première fois que je participe au #FungiFriday organisé par


Being a first-timer, I don't know much about the world of mushrooms apart from this boletus. I think it was edible but I'm not fond of this type of mushroom, a bit too slimy on the plate 😀.

Comme c'est une première fois, je ne connais pas beaucoup le monde des champignons à part pour ce bolet. Je pense qu'il était comestible mais je ne suis pas friand de ce type de champignons, un peu trop visqueux dans l'assiette 😀.

But first here's a map to locate the Papineau Labelle Wildlife Reserve. There's sure to be a Wednesday Walk Challenge post to introduce you to this magnificent park with its rivers and lakes.

Mais avant tout voilà une carte pour situer la Réserve Faunique de Papineau Labelle. Il va sûrement avoir un post Wednesday Walk Challenge pour vous faire découvrir ce magnifique parc avec rivières et lacs.


🗺️ Position on OpenStreetMap


As it rained over the weekend, many mushrooms sprouted, including this series of orange mushrooms. I don't think they're in the same family, but they stood out against the green of the moss.

Comme il a plu pendant le weekend, beaucoup de champignons ont poussé dont cette série de champignons oranges. Je ne pense pas qu'ils soient de la même famille mais ils détonnaient sur le vert de la mousse.



Trichoglossum hirsutum


My favorite mushrooms in this series, they look like little cobras but in fact they're Trichoglossum hirsutum, mushrooms I'd never seen before. Really strange...

Mes champignons préférés de cette série, il ressemble à de petits cobras mais en fait il s'agit de Trichoglossum hirsutum, champignons que je n'avais pas jamais vu avant. Vraiment étrange...




Then I think it's Russules Decolorans, a fungus found near conifers that is red when young and then turns gray with age, hence its adjective bleach (décolorant in French).

Puis je pense que c'est des Russules Decolorans, champignon qu'on trouve près des conifères qui est rouge quand elle est jeune puis devient grise avec le temps, d'ou son adjectif décolorant.




It's always interesting to discover the world of mushrooms with their different shapes and colors. It makes for great photos. I hope you enjoyed this #FungiFriday walk. Have a nice weekend.

C'est toujours intéressant de découvrir le monde des champignons avec des formes et des couleurs différentes. Cela permet de faire de belles photos. J'espère que vous avez aimez cette balade pour ce #FungiFriday. Bon weekend à tous.


I don't know much about mushrooms either but it's fun to look for some, isn't it? These you've found look really cool and the photos are fantastic.

Happy weekend!

It's a very fun world with all these colors and forms.
Have a great weekend too

It's great to see you here, feel welcome to our community and good luck.
I loved the reserve you visited, you had the opportunity to find beautiful species of mushrooms.
Rain is always a blessing for mushrooms
I appreciate you sharing these beautiful photographs and all the informationGood evening dear friend @heroldius how are you?

I'm fine and you ?

Have a great weekend Cool to participate to my first #FungiFriday... Always interesting to discover new things.

Trichoglossum hirsutum is definitely my favourite one here too. So pretty!!

Yep very cool these little cobras 😀 First time I see this type of mushrooms.
Have a wonderful weekend

Hi, you managed a nice collection on your first walk... of mushrooms! 🤓

Like it!

Yep it's cool to see all these mushrooms with different forms and colors. Interesting world.
Enjoy your weekend


Seagulls were God's third attempt at creating birds.
The A-gull and B-gull weren't quite right.

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Merci beaucoup... Bon dimanche


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Bien appréciée la curation du Bastion. Bon dimanche a toi.


I'm in hospital because I drunk a cup of petrol.
That was a very fuelish thing to do.

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Merci beaucoup, toujours apprécié

I don’t believe that you don’t know much about mushrooms😅
You even named the specie
Nice one!

Very useful Google Lens to find the name of the mushrooms 😀
I mainly looked for the little cobras
Have a great weekend


How do you make antifreeze?
Steal her blanket.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of benefice-net



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Thanks for adding this mushroom's walk on the map
Have a great weekend

Beautiful photographs. Good job 😊

Thanks... It's appreciating as it's my first post about mushrooms.
Enjoy your weekend

Nice finds. I think for photographs the russula are always great. Iconic mushroom. I think most people will picture in their mind something like your last set of pics. Good to see you out of the city 😉

I practiced a bit on these mushrooms to take photos... especially since the focus was bad on the first photos. Not used to doing macros 😀

Wow, you found many different mushrooms 😊 great captures too.
Looks like a productive walk.
Have a beautiful weekend!

Have a great weekend tooThanks... Cool to be part of the #FungiFriday communauty.

You are welcome, great having you around here too 👋🏻😁

Thanks! Enjoy your Sunday ☀️


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