Hola amigos de #HIVE
Hi friends of #HIVE
Nuevamente en este desafío de los blogs de 30 días esta vez me corresponde presentar el día # 13, que trata de "Dónde estaré en 5 años", Seguramente estaré viva disfrutando de viajes, como tengo planeado.
Again in this 30 day blog challenge this time it is up to me to present day #13, which is about "Where will I be in 5 years ", I will surely be alive enjoying trips, as I have planned.
Siempre tenemos metas u objetivos para nuestro futuro, estos pueden ser a corto, mediano a largo plazo, debemos organizarnos y planificar nuestro futuro en función de nuestra preferencia y así hacerlas realidad.
We always have goals or objectives for our future, these can be short, medium or long term, we must organize and plan our future according to our preference and thus make them a reality.
In five years, I would be retired from my job at the age of 50, which means that I would be free to go anywhere I want. In my plans I would like to be in Europe, since I have friends there and we are always in contact, I am always invited but with so many commitments here in my country, in addition to the political problems that I face, I have not been able to please myself in traveling to distant lands. I hope to accomplish this goal and in 5 years to be in Europe enjoying its places.
Si decides participar en este desafío ahí te dejo la foto con el cronograma de 30 días y recuerda que debes colocar la etiqueta #bloggingchallenge para conseguir visibilidad y quizás nuevos lectores y amigos.
If you decide to participate in this challenge there I leave the photo with the schedule of 30 days and remember that you must place the tag #bloggingchallenge to get visibility and perhaps new readers and friends.
Foto tomada del blog de @jyzzyjoe
Fotos son de mi propiedad, tomadas con mi teléfono celular Samsung core j2
Europa tiene que ser hermosa, estoy loca por ir y conocer todos sus rincones!