¡Hola, amigos de #Hive! Hoy quiero compartir con ustedes algo que me hace sumamente feliz. Hace poco más de un mes pude ir a mi consulta oftalmológica y adquirir unos nuevos lentes formulados.🤓
Hello, #Hive friends! Today I want to share with you something that makes me extremely happy. A little over a month ago I was able to go to my eye doctor and get some new formulated lenses.🤓
En un post anterior mencioné que tuve una tiendita virtual de accesorios, cosméticos y prendas de vestir, fue de gran ayuda para mí, con la pude cubrir varios de mis gastos personales y aportar con algunos gastos para mi casa; también fue la que me ayudó a terminar de pagar lo que restaba de la extracción de las cordales. Realmente no fue fácil, porque el dinero que me quedaba era para seguir invirtiendo en más productos y mis ganancias estaban destinadas a la deuda con la odontóloga, pero pese a las dificultades, fue posible.😊
Desde principios de enero del presente año mi vista se estuvo viendo afectada, porque obviamente tenía una formula vencida desde hace muchísimo tiempo, y aunque sentía que veía bien, realmente no era así. Los dolores de cabeza, mareos y ardor en los ojos eran bastante fuertes y constantes (peor para mí que trabajo con un computador la mayor parte del día). Para todos la llegada de la pandemia fue un golpe bajo, muy bajo, mi situación económica se vio más afectada y el dinero se va prácticamente para comer bien y en artículos de aseo personal; lo esencial. Mi trabajo no es muy bien pagado, y era imposible pedirle dinero nuevamente a mis padres (no quería hacerlo, quería sentirme capaz de al menos pagar eso con mi propio dinero). Ellos tenían gran preocupación por mi, pero en Venezuela hay que hacer milagros para extender el dinero y cubrir al menos los gastos básicos. Pensé en prestar dinero, pero me había informado del costo de la consulta y un aproximado de la montura con cristales formulados y era alrededor de 40$/60$, para algunos puede parecer poco, para otros no tanto...pero para mí era muchísimo, ya que no gano eso ni al mes.
Me sentí bastante frustrada, pensando en alternativas y a mi mente regresó Steemit (en aquel entonces no sabía que todo había cambiado), fui miembro desde el 2018 hasta mediados del 2019 aproximadamente, y realmente me fue muy bien, tanto que pude reunir para un teléfono nuevo y varios gastos personales.😊Ok, llego un 15 de enero y veo una plataforma muy similar a Steemit pero con otro nombre, me informo más al respecto y no fue hasta el 23 de enero que realizo mi post de presentación en #Hive, o nueva presentación, porque tiempo atrás ya lo había hecho. Pensaba en que esto también me afectaría por el hecho de tener que usar más seguido el teléfono y la computadora, pero quería esforzarme por volver y hacer algo que tanto me gusta, y lastimosamente había tenido que abandonar.
aquí), junté el resto del dinero para la montura y fórmula.Después de mi regreso, solo han sido éxitos (así lo considero) por muy grande o pequeño, me siento muy satisfecha por cada logro con cada post. Una vez más debo agradecer a @starstrings01 y su iniciativa para los novatos de la mano con @tripode y el resto de un gran equipo, fue de mucha ayuda para mi en este nuevo comienzo en #Hive, porque gran parte de mis logros ha sido gracias a sus consejos. Gracias a todos los que dedicaron unos minutos de su valioso tiempo para leer mis testamentos😅 (algunos post son algo extensos), gracias por apoyarme con sus comentarios, consejos y compartiendo cada post ¡Gracias totales!💛. Las ganancias anteriores fueron completamente destinadas a mi consulta, y gracias a un nuevo emprendimiento entre mi mamá y yo (pueden saber más sobre ello
Así se encuentran actualmente mis lentes anteriores, el oxido ya tenía tiempo, pero lo verde ha salido después de estar guardados.
The consultation should be every 6 months, but it was not possible for me to attend until March 3rd of this year, having my consultation pending since January 2020, and which I had not been able to attend due to economic problems. A few days before the start of the pandemic I had managed to raise the money, but what I did not expect was that I would have to extract my wisdom teeth urgently 😟 It was something very unexpected, from one moment to another I began to feel a lot of discomfort, so much that I had an infectious focus. They extracted the 4 wisdom teeth and the cost was 230$ (50$ for the extraction of each wisdom tooth, 20$ for the cleaning and 10$ for the consultation)...and I was in a hurry with 25$ which was what I had been able to get together for the ophthalmologic consultation. You may wonder where I got the money, and well, wanting to avoid asking my parents for money, I had to do it. They gave me half, and since the dentist was close to a family member, she gave me the opportunity to pay her in several installments.
In a previous post I mentioned that I had a little virtual store of accessories, cosmetics and clothes, it was a great help for me, with it I could cover several of my personal expenses and contribute with some expenses for my house; it was also the one that helped me to finish paying what was left of the extraction of the wisdom teeth. It was not really easy, because the money I had left was to continue investing in more products and my earnings were destined to the debt with the dentist, but in spite of the difficulties, it was possible.
Since the beginning of January of this year my eyesight was being affected, because obviously I had an expired formula for a very long time, and although I felt that I could see well, it was not really so. The headaches, dizziness and burning eyes were quite strong and constant (worse for me who works with a computer most of the day). For everyone the arrival of the pandemic was a low blow, very low, my economic situation was more affected and the money goes practically to eat well and on toiletries; the essentials. My job is not very well paid, and it was impossible to ask my parents for money again (I didn't want to, I wanted to feel able to at least pay for that with my own money). They had great concern for me, but in Venezuela you have to work miracles to stretch money to cover at least basic expenses. I thought about lending money, but I had found out the cost of the consultation and an approximate cost of the frame with formulated lenses and it was around 40$/60$, for some it may not seem much, for others not so much...but for me it was a lot, since I don't even earn that much a month.
I felt quite frustrated, thinking about alternatives and to my mind came back Steemit (at that time I didn't know that everything had changed), I was a member from 2018 until mid 2019 approximately, and I really did very well, so much that I could gather for a new phone and several personal expenses.😊Ok, I arrive a January 15 and I see a platform very similar to Steemit but with another name, I learn more about it and it was not until January 23 that I make my presentation post in #Hive, or new presentation, because some time ago I had already done it. I thought that this would also affect me by the fact of having to use the phone and the computer more often, but I wanted to make an effort to come back and do something that I like so much, and unfortunately I had had to give up.
here), I raised the rest of the money for the frame and formula.After my return, it has only been successes (so I consider it) no matter how big or small, I feel very satisfied for every achievement with every post. Once again I must thank @starstrings01 and its initiative for newbies by the hand of @tripode, it was very helpful for me in this new beginning in #Hive, because much of my achievements has been thanks to their advice. Thanks to everyone who spent a few minutes of their valuable time to read my testaments😅 (some posts are somewhat extensive), thanks for supporting me with your comments, advice and sharing each post Total thanks!💛. The above proceeds went entirely towards my practice, and thanks to a new venture between my mom and I (you can learn more about it
This is how my old lenses look now, the rust has been there for a while, but the green has come out after being stored.
La verdad no recuerdo cuál era mi formula anterior, pero el diagnóstico fue que empeoré debido al tiempo con la formula vencida; tengo astigmatismo miopico compuesto. Muchas personas usan mis lentes y dicen comentarios tipo: "pero no estás tan mal" "mejor no los uses, te ves mejor sin ellos" y la más tonta de todas: "también tengo esa enfermedad pero prefiero no usar lentes, no me gustan", y mi reacción es: ¿En serio?😒 ¿Cómo no querer cuidar algo tan importante como la vista? Pero bueno, como siempre digo: "cada loco con su cuento".
The truth is I don't remember what my previous formula was, but the diagnosis was that I got worse due to the time with the expired formula; I have compound myopic astigmatism. Many people use my glasses and say comments like: "but you are not so bad" "better not use them, you look better without them" and the silliest of all: "I also have that disease but I prefer not to use glasses, I don't like them", and my reaction is: Really?😒 How can you not want to take care of something as important as your eyesight? But well, as I always say: "every crazy person has his own story".
Confieso que elegir esta nueva montura fue toda una odisea, un reto para mi😂 anteriormente solo usaba modelos un poquito anticuados tal vez (pero a veces soy medio así jaja), también sentía que no le quedan muy bien a mi rostro, pero los chicos de la óptica me ayudaron a elegir y estas bellezas fueron la decisión final.😍 Opinen ustedes cuál me queda mejor, estaré leyendo sus comentarios.😁
I confess that choosing this new frame was a real odyssey, a challenge for me😂 previously I only used models a little bit old fashioned maybe (but sometimes I'm like that haha), I also felt that they don't fit my face very well, but the guys at the optician's helped me to choose and these beauties were the final decision.😍 Give your opinion which one fits me better, I will be reading your comments.😁
Todas las imágenes son de mi propiedad, tomadas con mi Samsung J2 Prime y editadas en Canva.
All images are my own, taken with my Samsung J2 Prime and edited in Canva.
Thank God you were able to meet your ends to attend to something very important to your life which is the eyes.
Seeing the two pictures, I think I prefer the first one as it looks short and fitted to your eyes.
@princessbusayo Yes! I am very happy about it. Thank you very much for your opinion, several people have told me the same thing, as there are others who like the new ones more.😊