How does it feel to do an Indian art

in GEMS3 years ago

When ever I use to look at art that involved a lot of details in it, I would always watch it carefully , like multiple times and feel like it’s me only , who’s doing it. At times, I tried creating some of the artworks that I liked. Funnily, when I used to actually sit and sketch them , it felt too easy and hence, I concluded not worthy.

For me, art has always been something that should be challenging, a little scary at first, messy all through but somehow really amazing one at the end. I know, that’s totally opposite of how an artist should work. But unlearning, as appealing the term is , is a challenging thing in itself. You need a lot of acceptance, let go’s, practice. While I am on that path (of unlearning ) , I am very much an old self you needs a pep talk from my new being.

This time, I entered this realm of detail art thinking that let’s try something easy this time. So what it’s easy,
We can still have fun. And oh man! How much wrong I was. This art, The Gond Art, is nothing like easy. Important realisation that followed was, nothing is easy. What appears easy is just the part of process that you enjoy and may be has practised a lot already.

You need to get into the detail of it to know it’s true beauty. And then Too, if it appears easy to you, then that’s love. Your love for that art, that part of art , of anything.

So as I dived deep into this art, I discovered the whole theory behind it, the thought process behind the creation, reasons why they choose the particular element that they choose , the theory of its colours and what not. Quite a lesson of lifetime.

Also, this reminds a saying shared by a dear friend, that If an art stopped pleasing you anymore, it’s because you are not diving deeper into it. The more you keep on exploring it, the more interesting it comes to you. Of course, it doesn’t work always. There are things, that we actually get out of interest of, but may be we can try exploring the things even more, if some part of us wants to keep it in us.

While I drool all my thoughts here, sharing a piece of art with you guys from the same series .






Would love to know your thoughts on it as well.


The details are just amazing.

Thank you 😃