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RE: How to easily spot hypocrites?

in GEMS4 years ago

Greetings, friend, the hypocritical person is like an apparent disguise, one thing in the eyes of another, and when you are not there, he stabs you in the back, that is, he speaks ill of you and columns you, he is a person of care that must be dealt with watch out. Greetings friend.


I agree we have to be careful of them but most of them are just barking dogs who can't bite, so they have no way to take out their frustration so backbite is their only way out

You're right: hypocrites are dangerous.
How's the lockdown going?

Yes friend here at home I go out alone to buy some food

Our rulers imposed measures that reduce our freedom because of a virus.
i have a curiosity:
What's the proof for the virus?