Cyanotype Prints

The last year has been a blur so my mind is a bit scattered. I don't remember when I started making darkroom prints (I'm sure I can look through my posts but who has time for that?) but back in August I decided to use the scrap photo paper to make cyanotypes.

Accidentally did a mirror image

Basically, if the print is not exposed for long enough the paper just comes out white with no photo on it. Photo paper is not cheap! So I decided to test whether it would hold cyanotypes. And that was successful.

After starting this post I realized that these are not those.

These are in fact cyanotypes on photo prints.

After testing cyanotypes on failed darkroom prints, I decided to try a double exposure of sorts.

I used transparency plastic to create massive negatives like one would use for cyanotypes to create darkroom prints (correctly exposed). Then I coated the paper with cyanotype chemistry and itre-exposed the prints in the sun.

I had to do the process twice since the first try just left the prints brown and faded. A recoat and overnight dry followed by a full sun exposure worked perfectly.

I'm not completely pleased with how they turned out, but I will definitely be trying again once the summer comes around!

Cyanotype on failed darkroom print


S. D. G. img_0.0010733370947769002.jpg




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