Break Free From “The Fixed Mindset.”

in The Kingdom4 months ago (edited)

It is important that I start by saying a "fixed mindset" is not a good thing! Now that we have clearly established this is bad lets dig a bit deeper. The following mindset bullet points and term fixed mindset are credited to Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck no copyright intended.

People with a fixed mindset believe that...

  • their character cannot be improved
  • their intelligence cannot be improved
  • their creative qualities cannot be improved

People with a fixed mindset will

  • avoid challenges
  • give up easily
  • believe effort is pointless
  • ignore feedback
  • feel threatened by the success of others

I find myself drawn to a quote (personal development) and a scripture verse (spiritual development)!

Jim Rohn says: "influence and association are both powerful and subtle" he goes on to say "you may not let someone push u off course but you may let them nudge you". That subtle nudge comes from the people we associate ourselves with.

God says: In Ecclesiastes 9:10, "Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the realm of the dead, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom."

your hand, do it, with all your might, wisdom.jpg
© Picture rights belong to ArcadePH 2024


yaa they say people learns hard as they get older, but the truth is, its the pride of one's self to accept the truth that there is always room for improvement.

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True. We are all but passersby in this world. Let's do our best with what limited time we are given.