Monomad Photography Challenges In "Black and White " #2

in Black And White4 years ago (edited)

Hello all! Hopefully everything is safe and well!

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Source of plagiarism

Direct translation without giving credit to the original author is Plagiarism. Repeated plagiarism is considered fraud. Fraud is discouraged by the community and may result in the account being Blacklisted.

Please note that direct translations including attribution or source with no original content are considered spam.

the writing is my own, I have included the link. But never mind, I won't do the same in the future.
thanks @hivewatchers

Thank you for letting us know Sakina Rakhma Diah Setiawan.
In this case, to verify the authorship, please add the word "Hive" in your author's profile on

Failure to do it will end up in this account being blacklisted.

well, I'll erase the inscription.

I have edited it, can you show my post again? If you want!

The account has been added to the blacklist:

Failed authorship verification.