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RE: Having problems with people taking advantage of our services


Oh! That's kinda sad what happened to this dog. I think there should be a law against people animals being run by any kind of vehicle be it two wheels or a truck, well as long as its alive and if it's not the they have the responsibility of laying them to rest in a cemetery of some sorts. These animals deserve our respect. I think they are even more human than other people because they are gentle and kind. Poor doggie.

I hope there will be a lot of people who will sponsor your foundation. What you're doing is good.

By the way what do you do with the animals that you caught and has no owners? You give them up for adoption? Here in my country it's the same. Lots of dogs running around the streets but good thing our local government unit has laws regarding letting our dogs roam around the streets, they will be impounded but some like them being impounded specially the one's that can't afford to feed them anymore.

 last year  

By the way what do you do with the animals that you caught and has no owners? You give them up for adoption?

Unfortunately there just isn't enough people interested in adopting dogs for this to be something that we can do. When we find a stray with a really good temperament we will put them on our website for potential adoption and sometimes, when they are very lucky, we find them forever homes.

There are simply too many of them for us to do this for all of them though. Our own kennels and grounds are always filled to capacity and we don't have any more space. We hope to expand our facilities in the future but this is something that is very expensive.

Therefore we will always return the dogs that we find, after treatment, to where we found them. Normally when we do this we try to talk to the local community about helping us take care of the dog and much of the time, they agree.