Disappointing Garlic Harvest - by Sunscape

in HiveGarden2 months ago


After harvesting all the garlic and letting it dry in the greenhouse, I was so disappointed by the quality. This is the first year I remember having garlic cured so badly.


So many of the bulbs were small and others had rotting cloves too. I knew many bulbs would not last long, so I sat for over two hours peeling all the questionable bulbs.


I decided to puree most of them in my food chopper.


It took a few rounds but I got a lot of tablespoon-sized rounds to freeze. It will be nice to have some on hand to use for meals in the future. At least this method of #preserving the garlic will ensure I have plenty for the winter.


The hardest part was sitting for so long to get the cloves peeled. I would not want to have to do that very often. L0L


The rest of the garlic I put into a jar of raw honey to let them ferment.

hivegarden-foodiesbeehive-garlic- honey-6.jpg

On the second day, you can see that the garlic is already #fermenting and bubbles are coming to the surface. I stir the cloves each morning to keep the garlic coated with the honey. Once the foaming bubbles stop the fermentation will be done. It can take up to a month to be ready to eat. Afterward, store the garlic honey in the refrigerator for up to 12 months.

Benefits of Garlic Honey

Both honey and garlic have anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-oxidant, and immunity-boosting properties.

Use the cloves daily or save them to help lessen the symptoms of colds and sore throats.

Needless to say, I will have to purchase new cloves this fall to plant for next year's crop. Hopefully, I can find some good-sized hard-neck garlic locally. I prefer to see the garlic in person than purchase it online.

That is it for today's post. I hope your garlic harvest is better than mine was. Happy gardening everyone.

Until next time, this is Sunscape
Sun. Scape. Ing Your Day

3- sun smile.jpg


Yup, looks like we both had the same problem. I’m expecting when I take down the curing garlic there will be more bulbs I will have to deal with. I might try your mincing technique on those…

 2 months ago  

I hope the rest of your garlic is good for you, if not the mincing and freezing works well.

Why do you think the garlic failed? what hemisphere are you in? we tend to plant ours near the winter and let them get the cold, you think that might be it?

 2 months ago  

I am in the northern hemisphere in N.Y. I always plant garlic in late October. Our weather has been so topsy-turvy that I have a feeling that had something to do with it. Other farmers I know have had the same problem. Next year will be better, happy gardening to you.

You don't let those disappointment complete your day that you find ways to make use of those Garlic.😊

 2 months ago  

Absolutely, I stay positive through it all. I have enough to last awhile and I can always purchase garlic cloves.

Yeah... There's always another way to have a good result.😊 I hope you can have a good garlic harvest soon.😊

Manually curated by scroogergotchiheroes.com from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

From novice eyes, they look perfect, I would be over the moon if my garlic turned out like that. Is it just because they're too small?

At least you can preserve them in different ways, and nothing goes to waste. What a great idea!

 2 months ago  

Yes, they were too small and many of them were rotting on the inside. The odd weather had a lot to do with it this year, I am sure of that.

The garlic fermented in honey works wonder in keeping you healthy during the flu season. I'm planning to make for my own next time.

Btw, what does it taste like? I mean does it gave a strong garlic taste? Or the honey kinda balance it?

 2 months ago  

Garlic honey has a spicy-sweet flavor and it is so good for you. I eat a clove every few days just because I have them. It is going to be a staple in my home from now on. I hope you make some to enjoy for yourself.