Top Five Tips to Dominate the High Seas in Pirate Nation!

in Hive Gaming4 months ago

(Please Note: This article does not contain any referral links, there is no paid promotion, and the opinions inside are 100% my own. Thank you for reading.

If you are interested in Play2Earn gaming, let me invite you to join the CryptoVillains, a group devoted the the subject I run. We are a lean group at the moment but are chatting and writing articles daily about our ascent to the top of the Play2Earn gaming scene.

Join our PeakD community here: C-Vil - PeakD

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Hello Friends!

Pirate Nations has taken the Play2Earn scene by storm this week with it's crisp graphics and riveting game play. Like so many others, I've been spending my days in Parrot's Perch working hard to establish a foundation to take on the high seas! I've learned a lot in these past few days and, as ever, I'm here to share this information with my friends on PeakD!

Lets get right to it!

1. Getting Involved

Pirate Nations currently has a really fantastic opportunity to get up and running but first we need to get in the door. What that takes has been rapidly changing and I would advise you to get locked in now even if you aren't able to play until a little later. I can confirm that, with a referral code, you can log right in an create an account with no issues. The issue here is that referral codes because much harder to locate last week when the level needed to unlock invites was raised.


I am racing to unlock more invite codes so I can share them with this community. One more level to go! The best way to secure one of these invite codes would be to follow me, join the CVIL community, and the CVIL discord (which will deff be the first place I share then for my villains)!

2. Primary Strategy

Our goals here are simple: Let nothing to to waste! This means, each day, we're going to want to use every ounce of energy we have, complete all our Gauntlet battles, and keep bounties up and running. The most important thing here is energy and that can be used very easily. I promise you'll never feel like you have too much energy!


Pirate Nation uses a simple system for it's quests. In order to sign up for a quest you are going to need energy and the required items for the quest. For some, this will be very simple or require no items at all. Oftentimes these quests are things like gambling for more gold.

The best quests will be the ones that require supplies like nets, anchors, paddles, maps, swords, ect. These missions will often have a lot more EXP rewarded and will have chanced to reward upgraded items that can be used for other quests. Quest, get loot, turn loot into items, use items to quest more, profit.

3. Understanding Combat

The combat in Pirate Nations is a fairly simple Slay the Spire type system. You draw a hand of cards from your deck, can see your enemies intent for the coming turn, and act accordingly in turn based combat. Nothing revolutionay here but it's sure got some quirks.


The Normal Gauntlet provides five battles that should be suited well for newer players. Once you've leveled up and upgraded your ship you may be interested in the Hard Gauntlet which costs 500 gold to access but has much more interesting rewards including chests that sell on the market for $0.50-2.00.

The last thing to understand is where those cards in your deck come from! You'll start with some basic cards and will unlock more as:

  • You level up your Captain
  • You level up your Pirate
  • You upgrade your boat.

4. “You're gonna need a bigger boat”


What could possibly be more important to a pirate than their ship! In Pirate Nations, things are no different and the single best place to pour your attention is in upgrading your ship. There are again a few paths forward here including:

  • Purchasing an upgrade on the market (~$50)
  • Building a better boat in game
  • Upgrading your starting ship

Honestly, I was happy to purchase a pair of ships on the open market when I first got involved with this game and don't regret it for a minute.


I purchase my ships for closer to $35 and the price has been moving upward fairly steadily. While ships can be created by players they also need to be burned to upgrade your other ships and that should keep the market healthy.

Other options are questing for ship plans to build your own:


Or simply building more and more Sloops and using them to level your starting ship up:


Upgrading your skiff this way will be the easiest path forward but, as the skiff you are upgrading is Soulbound, you'll never be able to see it so keep that in mind!

5. Exploring the High Seas

As mentioned in Tip 2, the path forward here is quests and the best quests are locked behind level and item restrictions. This will often mean finding yourself needing specific types of equipment to make the best use of your energy. This is where hitting the high seas first becomes very useful! As you explore the world in you ship you'll find all manner of islands with basic collectables on them like cotton, wood, ore, and chests (containing gold).


This can be a lifesaver when you find yourself missing something specific. Need a new for a quest you want to complete? Hit the sea and collect cotton until you have enough to build one and get questing, mate!


Friends, I hope these tips will keep the wind in your sails! If you have any questions about Pirate Nations I would love to hear them so I can assist. Also, to keep up to date in all the C-VIL happenings in the Play2Earn scene please:

Join our PeakD community here: C-Vil - PeakD

Join our Discord community here: C-'Ville' - Discord)


Hey @walledcity can I please get an invite?

Hey hey,
Try code:

Just got more invites.

Created my account and fought my first battles :)Thank you @walledcity

You got in JUST in time. They closed down all new sign-ups minutes after you wrote this.

I do not have any more yet but should soon.