Are you King of the Pirates? Exploring Pirate Nations! The New Play2Earn Monster on the Scene!

in Hive Gaming4 months ago

(Please Note: This article does not contain any referral links, there is no paid promotion, and the opinions inside are 100% my own. Thank you for reading.)

Earlier this week a good friend in the Play2Earn scene put a large handful of Play2Earn titles onto my radar and, after spending a few days researching each of them, one of them is standing. Pirate Nations describes itself as a "new type of blockchain game on the high seas. Build your ship, recruit your crew, and battle your way across the isles to become the top pirate! What say ye, matey?"

I've been involved with it for about a week, have spent <$200 acquiring an upgraded ship, trading license, and a cargo hold full of various items. Since then I've been showing up daily to make sure all my energy is spent, all by Gauntlet battles are fought, and to see what new features are being rolled out each day.

While Pirate Nations is still in BETA it's already looking fantastic due to it's bright color scheme and voxel art style. Take a peek!

Off the coast of Parrot's Perch.

One never knows for sure what the briney deep hold

Soon landlubbers will be quaking at the sight of ye!

There is always more to be done in the quest to become King of the Pirates!

While Pirate Nations just recently completed it's first season and is entering Season 2 later this month it's apparent there is a high level of polish, technical know how, and planning on display here. While it's fairly common for games of this type to lauch with no game play to speak of we already have full Slay The Spire style combat with COOP and PvP slated for release soon.


This game also has a stable and simple to use marker up and running with all manner of goods on offer. As this game is still so fresh everything is still being priced in and there is incredible opportunity for growth.

Right now, to get involved with the game it's very helpful to have a referral code from a current player. Pirate Nations is avoiding the standard referral code spam but only allowing each pirate to invite in one other new player at low level. Once you climb up you'll unlock more entry codes. I currently have FIVE open referral slots on my account.

Directly linking referral codes in articles is against the rules of HIVE GAMING and I respect that. If you are looking for more information on this subject and to get a head start in Pirate Nations please click HERE for more information.

Let's spend a little time talking about money. Earlier this week I made the follow purchases looking to get established here:


It's been four days, let's take a peek at the current ship market:


In less than a week we've watched the floor price for ANY ship you can get your hands on shift from <$40 to ~$60, this is major movement. I purchased the two ships I did because they were the only Frigate's at that price point and seemed like an opportunity. My goal is to hold onto the second ship until I can let it go for closer to $200 and pay off my investment in one step.

What are my plans til then?


By completing my daily battles in the Gauntlet I'm able to pull in five Normal Gauntlet Chests of varying quality. These checks currently sell on the market but I'm cracking them open and using the contents to complete quests to push Captains Experience forward as hard as possible as early as possible. I believe that investing in myself in the long-run will pay off.

There are also ample opportunities to earn the games native token BOOTY but that will likely require it's own article to really spell out. Would you be interested in more information on Pirate Nations in the future?

I'm VERY excited to see what Season 2 of Pirate Nations brings to the table. Will you be joining them on this adventure? Why or why not?


Awesome - I havent put any money in but am playing it now I've got at least a little bit of it figured out.

 4 months ago  

I thought the king of pirates Monkey D. Luffy 😹 the game looks beautiful and also entertaining, I hope your investment is a success

The refferal code program seems like a good decison to make! Stops all that spam and makes a person choose who they want to invite carefully!

Absolutely! There are SO many reasons to not go down the RollerCoin route and make yourself a pest. Seems very short sighted to me.

This system is much better.