Nah, it was 1 per 300. It was in one of the announcements at least. Supposedly, the next drops will require more packs - still, I am okay with it :)
Ah, you absolutely trounced me yesterday.
I am glad you brought this up.
That is all. ;D
I was so excited to play you that I actually picked the wrong summoner... but I think you would have destroyed me anyway. You were too smart for my magic heavy shenanigans.
I get lucky most of the time with "picking the right team" but slowly, I am learning what people are more likely to play. Magic has been heavy for so long, but there are some decent defenses against it now, especially with amplify in the mix.
I've been in your exact situation but haven't made it back into Champ III by the end of the timer, so you did really well.
I am pretty happy to have made it back - but also a bit lucky. I think I got a small run of easier rounds at the end to push me through. There is still 1.5 days left for you ;D
um, maybe I should start getting used to Diamond.
One good thing with all of this is, prices are coming down on buying and on renting. I rented a lot this season t get up there. The most I ever have.
Yeah, I don't actually rent any cards. I've basically been biding my time and saving my DEC for the SPS airdrop and then I'll work towards getting a really strong collection and start playing in the tournaments.
At the moment I'm really just finishing my daily quests and trying to get into Champ III.
At that level, I can't get close to finishing the quests unless they are in my "easy splinters". I had a water quest. It just sat there for days :D