The Mageseeker from my Collectors Edition Physical Bundle

in Hive Gaming6 months ago

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It's been exactly a month since I was able to get home and move my stuffs back to my other house; and I took a few hours to finally take a look and dig deep into my Collectors Edition of The Mageseeker!

It is not news to anyone who follows my posts that one of my favorite games is League Of Legends; and although "The Mageseeker" is a separate game; complements the magnificent story or better called "Lore" of one of the most influential champions in the history of "League Of Legends."

In this case we are talking about "Sylas"; a simple human who found magic in himself and by helping others with his magic was captured and accused of crimes he did not commit; with fear on the part of the officers to confront him since he was born in a kingdom called "Demacia" which magic was an abomination and danger to the kingdom.


Our main character during the game is "Sylas" who was freed from his chains on the day of his execution indirectly by his childhood friend "Lux" who secretly shared a magic in the kingdom of "Demacia" and that "Sylas" took the opportunity to steal a little of his magic and thus escape death and the chains that deprive him of magical freedom.

At that moment our adventure begins with our escape and the recent murder of the "King"
whose crime we are publicly guilty although we have nothing to do with it, since they are falsely incriminating us and it is one of our missions to discover the corruption of the kingdom of "Demacia" and bring to public light the truth that we are innocent.


The Mageseeker came as a code in my Collectors Edition along with other unique and collectible pieces that I will show in another... like more complete post!

You can also find the game The Mageseeker on Steam and buy it for $30, it has 5 DLC to have skins for Sylas during the adventure, new spells, side quests and other improvements.

If you buy the Limited Collectors Edition package you will receive a code with all these DLC and the complete game; called Deluxe Edition.

All these great surprises come inside that little box that I will show completely in another post; but don't let yourself be captivated so easily; You can get this Deluxe Edition for $320 on the official Riot Games Store page, although this edition is still available since it is a Limited Edition.

Many would call it crazy because of the high price; but for a fan like me who has spent almost all of his gaming life playing League Of Legends; I think I couldn't continue playing it without knowing the surprises it entails.

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The game with great pixel art is very easy to decipher at sight and enjoy... it has an incredible soundtrack and background music, it is surprising how the music locks you into the game and makes it much more enjoyable; between vibes of combat, rest and exploration around the universe of The Mageseeker.

You can find clues in side quests that provide deeper information about the secret happenings within the kingdom of Demacia and the corruption among high command officials...




During this Gameplay I forgot to hide the other discord voices so you can listen to @perceval and @brataka debating while I record the Gameplay haha.

I hope you can appreciate it well despite other people's voices, although mine is completely muted; I didn't record it again because I realized after a long 2 hours of Gameplay.

This Gameplay has a hidden link so you can always see it from this post!

Some recommendations if you decide to play The Mageseeker :

  • I can easily recommend The Mageseeker; regardless of whether you like League Of Legends or not; It is a totally different game with an incredible story.

  • If you like this kind of free world adventure games you will love it; The perfect occasion to play it is a relaxed day at home, rested while you allow yourself to be absorbed by its story.

  • I recommend that you play it with your best headphones and as dark room as possible.

  • I don't know how much of a fan you are of controls; but in my case I play The Mageseeker with my PS5 controller and the experience seems incredible and very comfortable.

  • It is a game that you can enjoy while listening to music or talking with friends, you can pause it at any time and continue your game from when you saved it whenever you want.

Soon I will be publishing what other physical surprises the Collectors Edition of The Mageseeker brings!




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Hace un mes exacto que pude llegar a mi casa y mover mis cosas de nuevo a mi otra casa; y me tome unas horas para por fin echarle un vistazo e indagar profundamente en mi Collectors Edition de The Mageseeker!

No es una novedad para nadie de los que siguen mis post que uno de mis juegos favoritos es League Of Legends; y aunque "The Mageseeker" es un juego aparte; complementa la magnifica historia o mejor llamado "Lore" de uno de los campeones mas influyentes en la historia de "League Of Legends."

En esta caso estamos hablando de "Sylas"; un simple humano que encontro la magia en si mismo y por ayudar a otros con su magia fue capturado y acusado de crimenes que el no cometio; con miedo por parte de los oficiales a enfrentarse a el ya que nacio en un reino llamado "Demacia" el cual la magia era una abominacion y peligro para el reino.


Nuestro personaje principal durante el juego es "Sylas" que fue liberado de sus cadenas el dia de su ejecucion indirectamente por su amiga de la infancia "Lux" que compartia una magia en secreto en el reino de "Demacia" y que "Sylas" aprovecho para robar un poco de su magia y asi escapar de la muerte y de las cadenas que lo privan de la libertad magica.

En ese momento empieza nuestra aventura con nuestro escape y el reciente asesinato del "Rey"
cuyo crimen somos publicamentes culpables aunque no tenemos nada que ver con ello, pues nos estan incriminando falsamente y es una de nuestras misiones descubrir la corrupcion del reino de "Demacia" y sacar a luz publica la verdad de que somos inocentes.


The Mageseeker vino como codigo en mi Collectors Edition junto a otras piezas unicas y coleccionables que mostrare en otro post mas completo!

El juego The Mageseeker tambien lo puedes encontrar en Steam y comprarlo por 30$, cuentya con 5 DLC para tener skins para Sylas durante la aventura, nuevas spells, misiones secundarias y otras mejoras.

Si compras el paquete Limited Collectors Edition te llegara un codigo con todos estos DLC y el juego completo; llamado Deluxe Edition.

Todas estas grandes sorpresas vienen dentro de esa cajita que mostrare completamente en otro post; pero no te dejes cautivar tan facil; puedes obtener este Deluxe Edition por 320$ en la pagina oficial de Riot Games Store sin es que esta edicion sigue disponible ya que es una Limited Edition.

Muchos lo llamaran una locura por el alto precio; pero para un fanatico como yo que ha pasado casi todas su vida gamer jugando al League Of Legends; creo que no podria seguir jugandolo sin conocer las sorpresas que este conlleva.

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El juego con un gran arte pixelar muy facil de descifrar a la vista y disfrutar...cuenta con una increible banda sonora y musica de ambientacion, es sorprendente como la musica te encierra en el juego y lo hace muchisimo mas disfrutable; entre vibras de combate, descanso y exploracion alrededor del universo de The Mageseeker.

Puedes encontrar pistas en las misiones secundarias que otorgan informacion mas a fondo sobre los sucesos secretos dentro del reino de Demacia y la corrupcion entre los oficiales de alto mando...




Durante este Gameplay olvide esconder las demas voces del discord asi que puedes escuchar a @perceval y a @brataka debatiendo mientras yo grabo el Gameplay haha.

Espero que puedan apreciarlo bien a pesar de las voces ajenas aunque la mia esta completamente muteada; no lo volvi a grabar porque me di cuenta despues de unas largas 2 horas de Gameplay.

Este Gameplay tiene un link oculto asi que puedes verlo siempre desde este post!

Algunas recomendaciones si te animas a jugar The Mageseeker :

  • Puedo recomendar facilmenmte The Mageseeker; independientemente si te gusta League Of Legends o no; es un juego totalmente diferente y con una historia increible.

  • Si te gustan este tipo de juegos de aventura a libre mundo te va a encantar; la ocasion perfecta para jugarlo es un dia relajado en casa, descansado mientras te dejas absorber por la historia de este.

  • Recomiendo que lo juegues con tus mejores audifonos y con la mayor oscuridad posible.

  • No se que tan fan eres de los mandos; pero en mi caso juego The Mageseeker con mi mando de PS5 y la experiencia me parece increible y muy comoda.

  • Es un juego que puedes disfrutar mientras escuchas musica o hablas con amigos, puedes pausarlo en cualquier momento y seguir tu partida desde que lo guardaste cuando quieras.

Proximamente estare publicando que otras sorpresas fisicas trae el Collectors Edition de The Mageseeker!


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