Hive Gaming Community Daily Curation Project - 04/02/2023

in Hive Gaminglast year
Authored by @incublus

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Hive Gaming Curation Report

Welcome to another installment of Hive Gaming Curation.

League of Legends is a mess right now. It used to be that a champion could be played in one lane, but now a champion can be played in almost every lane. AD carries are played in mid lane, top lane. @ydaiznfts2 shared his Galio game with us as a support. This was really unexpected. The champion has a strong engage in the laning phase, but he has a very hard time coming back, so you need to get along well with your partner. You have to go in and out together, that's the only way you can fight. In teamfights, the champion is very strong. With his ultimate, you can both save your teammates and perform a hero dive between the opponents. Yes, I made a reference to the champion's ability. For more information about the game, you can visit his post.

What is the best MMORP game you play? Which ones do you recommend? @oldfool shared with us the 3 MMORPG games he recommends right now. One of them is Albion Online, which is very popular in our community. I won't talk about it because everyone knows it very well. Let me tell you a little bit about Guild Wars 2. This game is a classic MMORPG, you have to spend hours and hours to get good at it, but according to oldfool it is worth it. It has a balanced PVP system and it's really fun. I won't spoil any more, you know what to do if you want to find out. Visit his post!

Have I mentioned Party Hard 2 that @gabotask shared with us before? In the game you go to a party and you have to kill certain people in the party. As in every game, the first parts are easy, but then everything gets harder. Cops start chasing you and you have to watch your every move. You can kill some of them with your traps but you can't use them all the time. Gabo is currently so stuck in a level that he is trying again and again to finish it. You can visit his post to learn more about that level and the game.









At Hive Gaming, we strive to highlight the best gaming content on the Hive Blockchain. We have scoured the community to find some posts that truly stand out in quality and engagement.

Engagement within the gaming community will only make our community stronger. So be sure to take some time each day and visit posts of others.

Be sure to join the Hive Gaming Community Discord and subscribe to the @hivegc account to stay up to date with all things gaming on Hive. Thank you for being a part of the greatest blockchain and for all of your contributions.

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 last year  

Thank you for your support 💚

Thank you very much, I take my decisions very seriously when playing, and if everything you said is true, a good partner will make a lot of difference even in the most complicated games

Gonna check these out before spammign comments on all the others :)

Hey pals, thank you so much for the support, It feels good to be back.

By the way... congrats to my fellas mentioned on this post, good work (y).


Thank you very much for your support and also for mentioning my post.