Old School RuneScape | In Search Of Making Gold

in Hive Gaming5 days ago

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While I've attempted to maintain the gold stack I had built up at one point in time. Between massive house upgrades, lots of skilling, and so many quests competed. Funds are getting a little light. To the point, I'm on the verge of going from broke to poor.

In my eyes in a video game, you are broke when you still have money to make money. You are poor when you no longer have money to make money and must perform quite low-level tasks to acquire some kind of wealth again.

While things were not dire yet. If I keep spending at the rate I was. I’d be down to a couple hundred thousand gold in a day or two at best. A lot of the time I did attempt to do things the long way if that meant saving some gold. Such as farming more expensive items needed for a quest. Making my tree seeds and so forth. That however was no longer enough. Even more so since gear upgrades were being quite needed as well.

For my main goal of making gold, I also wanted to level up some skills while I was at it. While I was ok with doing some tasks that would not yield any skill gains. I wanted to avoid spending too much time not advancing the skill level of my account.

So, I started to look into quite a few different things. Then I lucked out and discovered a way to increase my crafting skill and more importantly my magic. Magic in the past has been something I've blown a ton of gold on just to get a couple of levels. If I can find a way to level it up a bit more while turning a perfect profit.

In the shorter range of time, I wanted to get magic to level 55. At level 55 I could cast High Level Alchemy on items turning them into gold. Then I could start to ramp up my opportunities to make some money with gold. Even better high alchemy allowed me to still gain magic skills as well.

The plan was quite simple really. I was going to make a necklace of passages. I’m not talking a couple hundred here or there. I’m talking thousands of them. I looked into some of the data of trading for them and sure enough, it could work.

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To be able to make the necklaces I needed to craft a jade necklace. Once I had the jade necklace, I could then use a cosmic rune and enchant the necklace turning it into a necklace of passage.

The nice thing about the whole thing is that there was quite the buying pressure on just the jade necklaces. It was clear people were buying them to enchant them. While there was a little profit to be made if you just bought the neckless off others and then enchanted it. I’d make more by buying a piece of jade and a silver bar to make my necklace.

This then would allow me to level up two different skills while also turning a profit along the way. If the market started to go for the end produce, I was making. I wagered a guess could still offload any extra jade necklaces I had to those looking to still skill up.

To play things even further on the safe side I was getting quite low on funds. I decided to just buy enough supplies to craft and enchant 1k necklaces at a time. Since it would take a while to craft and enchant that many items. I expected there to be some price movement as well.

Once I had the first 1k necklaces worth of supplies bought. I then started putting in bid orders at quite low prices for the next 1k. More times than not since there were so many buyers, I never got the lower prices I wanted. I still however thought I might as well attempt to make an even bigger profit if I could cut the market a bit.

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Next up was finding a decent place to do the crafting. This would require a furnace next to a bank. I also wanted to not be too far from the Grand Exchange if possible. Edgeville ended up being the perfect town for that. Even more so since I had the agility shortcut to go right into where the Grand Exchange was once, I crossed the river.

I’d head over to the Grand Exchange and pick up the 1k jade and 1k silver bars that I needed. I’d then head over to Edgeville and slowly start crafting them into the Jade necklace. Running the short distance to bank the necklaces I was making and refilling my inventory with further supplies to craft more.

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Once I got to 1k jade necklaces I'd stop and start working on enchanting them all. Once that was done, I'd just take the short run over to the Grand Exchange and repeat the process.

Naturally, after I did the first couple thousand, I was starting to get rather bored. Thankfully that is where other things I was starting to work out on making money started to play into things.

I would sometimes go off on tree and herb runs. For each herb run I'd net between 40k-50k gold worth of herbs. I could also do a run once every four or so hours if I did not forget. This also slowly helped to add to my gold stack. I’ve talked about herb runs in more detail in another post. As far as the tree runs, they were a slight loss and mostly for experience but the herb runs were more than making up for it.

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At some point, I even lost track of how many necklaces of passage I even created. I was just darn lucky the price ended up holding quite well enough to get me to level 57 crafting and more importantly level 55 magic.

Once I got to the level, I could cast high alchemy I stopped making the necklaces. I took the stack of gold I had and started looking into different items. I wanted to find items that sold for under their high alchemy value. I also needed to include the cost of one nature rune which I usually bought for around 105 gold each.

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I then started buying items off the auction house I'd be making 600-2k gold for each one of them that I turned into gold. While that might not sound like a lot. It’s quite a quick cast of a spell. On top of that, I'm also gaining magic every time I cast high alchemy.

I can’t even begin to guess how many hundreds of millions worth of gold items I've bought off the Grand Exchange since. Only to destroy them turning them into pure gold coins and profit.

It was quite slow going at first as my gold stack was quite small. There are also buying limits for how much of certain items you can even buy every few hours. Some of them have quite low limits like 5 and other items I tend to buy are at 125.

This was also quite a crazy way for a game’s economy to deal with too many certain items. Sure, you are creating inflation by generating all the gold I was just getting out of thin air. It however keeps certain items at certain prices. When they fall below their high alchemy values people like me buy up as many as we can get our hands on if there is enough profit for our time and destroy them.

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Every time I was logging into the game, I'd run over to the Grand Exchange to check how my buy offers were doing. I’d remove any items I bought and break them down into gold. I’d then replace my old buy orders with new orders. Each time buying a couple more items than the last time if I could find enough items to buy.

After a while, I started to get enough gold to start filling out all my Grand Exchange slots with buying different items. Sometimes I'd get a bit greedy on a part of my buy orders if I knew I was logging out for a while. Other times I'd pay slightly more than what other people were offering as long as I was still making a profit just to get some items to cast high alchemy on.

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While my gold stack was not starting to grow at an insane rate. It was more than enough to end each day in the green. Now all the questing and any other adventures I'd go on were at least getting covered. Meanwhile, I was still gaining little bits of magic experience every time I cast high alchemy.

Sometimes I'd go off and do other activities for some money as well. At one point one of the creatures, I've crossed paths with while leveling up my hunter skill was going for over 2k each. While those sky-high prices did not last long. Making a quick 30k before the price started to dump and gaining another skill was more than worthwhile.

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I even started to do birdhouse runs as well. Sometimes making 32k to 60k per run on them. It’s a real shame I can’t get the drop I need to make the teleport to Fossil Island. Otherwise, I'd be doing a lot more birdhouse runs since they can be done once every 50 minutes. It is however a bit of a run back and forth to get to the boat that takes you to the island.

At this point, I started seeing every 10k-60k gold earned as yet one further item I could buy and convert into 800-1.2k profit per cycle.

One item that I was constantly getting my hands on was mystic robe tops and bottoms. They cost a bit each to buy. They were usually selling at enough of a discount I'd make around 800 to 1k gold. They are also usually where I put the bulk of my buying power on the Grand Exchange when I was sleeping since there was normally enough volume, I'd end up with quite a few by the time I was able to log back in.

Not all items I attempted to buy and at prices, I wanted to buy them at ended up working on. Not that I lost any money. I just would return to the Grand Exchange and see after many hours whatever item it was I had yet to buy a single item off. This also meant I was not making money either by my gold just sitting around trying to buy stuff for too low of a price.

Final Thoughts

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There also came a point where I started to peak on the amount of gold I kept on hand to keep putting into buying further items. While sure I could use 10-20 million gold to get some great spread in buy orders on a range of items and massive stacks of them.

I also do have quite a few items I want. It was at this point I decided it was ok to start buying things like over 600k gold for a Granite Hammer. Along with my next extra million to start going into things like a better ring, amulet, and upgrading my armor.

I’m also sure at some point I'll have the ability to start earning more gold than I can currently with high alchemy. It however has been treating me well along with herb and birdhouse runs.


Old School RuneScape.Screenshots were taken and content was written by @Enjar about


Old School RuneScape... I don't know how I could define this game but in a personal tone.
I ended up hating it because of the amount of accounts that banned me, I never understood that, it seems that the integration of many people from latinamerica, specially from Venezuela, ended up finishing the economy of the game.

 5 days ago  

También la de axie Infinity jajaja

 5 days ago  

Este juego es tan bonito, no sé si solo soy yo pero tengo una sensación muy extraña con este tipo de juegos, algo parecido a una sensación neurótica. Creo que es porqué este juego me recuerda a tibia, o bueno, siento que estar en este tipo mundos antiguos y formas de perspectiva de los sims es muy, uff, inmersivo. Es como una droga, pienso que juegos así son para gente introvertida jaja, sólo especulo, pero creo que si

At least the players left still playing these days must be!