in Vibes6 months ago (edited)

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Hi everyone!
How are we all doing?
This is vibes web 3 music competition and we are already in week 7.
Every week is a boost to want to present something better than last week.
Even in the midst of my exams, I got an inspiration to write an original song which indicates that as a musician, no circumstance can stop your writing skills.
Any situation you find yourself will be a muse for your music.
The title of my original song is "MY FEARS"
The lyrics is below and I really hope the song relates with you.

NB: This song is particularly about the youths between the age of 18-28. Knowing fully well that the decisions we make now will affect our lives either positively or negatively, this plants fears in our hearts and makes us lost even in our own world


I tried all I could do to come back
Yet it seems I can't find my way back
I did all I was adviced to do and
Yet it seems I'm lost in my own world

People judge based on what they can see
Not even caring if I'm going through the sea
Oh I go through the storms
I fight this demon alone

I'm only humans
I make mistakes
I'm not perfect
I try my best


Only if you know
Only if you could imagine
What runs through my mind
Runs through my head
Some times



¡Hola a todos!
¿Cómo estamos todos?
Este es el concurso de música vibes web 3 y ya estamos en la semana 7.
Cada semana es un empujón para querer presentar algo mejor que la semana pasada.
Incluso en medio de mis exámenes, me inspiré para escribir una canción original que indica que, como músico, ninguna circunstancia puede detener tus habilidades de escritura.
Cualquier situación en la que te encuentres será una musa para tu música.
El título de mi canción original es "MIS MIEDOS"
La letra está a continuación y realmente espero que la canción se relacione contigo.

NB: Esta canción trata particularmente sobre los jóvenes entre 18 y 28 años. Saber muy bien que las decisiones que tomemos ahora afectarán nuestras vidas ya sea positiva o negativamente, esto siembra miedos en nuestros corazones y nos hace perdernos incluso en nuestro propio mundo


Intenté todo lo que pude para volver.
Sin embargo, parece que no puedo encontrar el camino de regreso
Hice todo lo que me aconsejaron y
Sin embargo, parece que estoy perdido en mi propio mundo

La gente juzga según lo que pueden ver.
Ni siquiera me importa si voy por el mar
Oh, paso por las tormentas
Lucho contra este demonio solo

Soy sólo humanos
Yo cometo errores
no soy perfecto
Hago lo mejor que puedo


Solo si lo sabes
Sólo si pudieras imaginar
lo que pasa por mi mente
Corre por mi cabeza
A veces

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Izz plentyyy... Well done Boss 👏🏼🔥

Thanks man I really appreciate my boss


I enjoyed listening

Brotherly 😎

You're doing well

You composed a very wonderful song
Good job ✅

Thanks dear musician

The truth is, once the ability is there, inspiration will always come with the right amount of push and I must say my friend you pushed out something beautiful.
I humbly wish to have a duet with you soon.
So long amigo🫡

My brooooo!!!
You are here.
Thanks for the encouragement

A very beautiful song brother! Great job as always. A hug

Thanks my brother I really Appreciate you,!

Wow. Man this is beautiful! I am only human, I make mistakes. Thanks for sharing brother.

My daddy

Thanks for visiting

A womderful song with real emotion and relatable messages of our shortcomings and falling far from the righteousness of the Lord, thankfully Jesus Christ forgives us for those mistakes, beautiful original songwriting bro, thoroughly enjoyed this one, what is your twitter X username?

Locate me here dear brother.
Thanks for the words of encouragement.
I appreciate you

You're very welcome brother, I commented on your entry on twitter. I cant message you directly because of your privacy settings on your twitter profile, but my profile is public so you can message me directly first and we can chat about a collaboration bro

Okay. I'll message you brother.
I'm almost done with my exams.
I can have time very well by then.

What a beautiful performance. Well done. 👏

Such a wonderful theme, you a great promise, stunning talent brother.

I give my vote for you dude, hope you win the contest #7, you deserve it! 🖤

This is so beautiful, well written and full of Emotions
I absolutely love the lyrics

Good heavens what a voice!!! Congratulations on winning 1st place. You absolutely deserve it. 🥺🥺🥺❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Felicitaciones por tu premio abrazos

Incredible. What a beautiful song. I love the lyrics, the chord sequence, your voice, your playing. You say you're 'not perfect', but your performance was. Amazing.