Live Testing is Done, the Mobile Version of Moonkarts Will Coming Soon ! And My Preparation Toward it !

Moonkart (17).jpg

Hello everyone, welcome back to Ramadhanight's Hive Blog. Today, I would like to share the progress of Moonkarts Mobile Version Development as the live testing has done few days ago ! Let's check it out !


Moonkarts Mobile Version Live Testing and Time Schedule


I'm so excited to see the update from the dev about the moonkarts mobile version development. Here is the latest announcement from the dev. As we can see, the goal is to be done next month or may, with other possibility of getting faster or late, but the goal is clear, late april or may !


Few days after the announcement, there is announcement about the live testing of the mobile version which taken place on 13th March ! Too bad that I was so busy those days and realize it few days after.

I tried to look for the information about the live test result, and happy to see there is only minor bug on it. I saw it as a positive sign of the progress of it, and wish things would go as planned so we could get the mobile version on time or even faster ! image.png


Why Mobile Version is Important

I'm so excited about the mobile version and here is the reason behind it :
#1. Mobile version would likely to solve the low fps problem for some people that is having low spec PC. This mean those people who was unable to play now can join the race as well ! The mobile version which available on play store would having higher exposure as well, because people can easily find it and try it as well ! More player should coming soon !
#2. Mobile version will be easier to play, anywhere, anytime ! Since it's currently only available on PC, it would make it harder for player to race, because sometimes we had a spare time, but not having the PC with us. With mobile version, we can easily just open it and play it on our mobile phone ! Simplicy is important !
#3. More race, more fuel demand. Generating fuel has been my main priority for past weeks, and with more people join the race, they would need fuel for getting the rewards, which hopefully more demand will come with more player as well !


My Preparation

There are several step that I've took for anticipating the mobile version of Moonkarts :
#1. Generate More Fuel
I've been collecting a lot of power up cards for fuel generating.

My rate is on 1615 fuel generate daily. image.png

#2. Get Better Karts and Parts
If you read my previous post, you would know that I've been bought a legendary kart, the Nebula Guard ! This is another step that I take because I want to be more competitive, especially with the potential of price spike with higher demand on the future !


My Next Target

I'm still thinking about getting my Kart faster, so I would like to improve the driver and part as well. I will keeping my eyes on the market and discord channel to see if there is opportunity to improve my kart with relatively cheap price. I also have a plan to stake more colony to earn more !


My current Kart Set


Final Words

Thank you for kindly read my post, I hope you enjoyed this post. Are you anticipating the Mobile Version of Moon Karts ? Please let us know by put it on comment section !

If you want to play this game, you can simply visit their site on

PS : This is not a financial advice, please do your own research before decide to invest on anywhere!

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Moon Kart for the cool game
Mrs. carrieallen for the very useful ULTIMATE Markdown Tutorial
Canva for the free photoshop
All curators and readers that i couldn't mentioned all of your name

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