Hello everyone, welcome to my newest segment, "BATTLE FROM THE PAST". This segment was created because when I want to make a post for another Challenge (Social media and Secret Battle Mage Challenge) I always save all the battles I win. So that when the theme is determined, I don't have to bother to do a lot of fighting again because I have saved some of them.
Since the unused battle links are piling up, I created this segment to share those battles with you all. For this time, the struggle that I will be sharing is...
The rulesets for this battle are SUPER SNEAK, BEEFCAKES, and ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED? SUPER SNEAK is a ruleset that gives an additional ability in the form of SNEAK which is useful for attacking units that are in the last position. The SNEAK ability can only be used by Melee units (or dual-attack type units where one of them has Melee attack).
BEEFCAKES is a ruleset that only allows using units with 5 points of Health or more. Meanwhile, ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED? is a ruleset that will enable the use of 1 Gladius unit.
I tried using Janni RebelMana Warden. She can provide SHIELD to the unit in front of her (Janni RebelMana Warden even though she is only level 1 and put her in the first position. The reason is that she has the INSPIRE ability to increase the Attack power of Melee units. In the second position, I am using ) using the SHIELD WARD ability. In addition, has the IMPEDE ability to slow down the SPEED of a Target whenever her attack successfully hits that Target.
For the back row, I use Arkemis the Bear who can absorb damage if attacked by Melee units that have high Attack power using the FORCEFIELD ability. He also provides an additional 2 ARMOR to all my units using the PROTECT ability.
Besides him, I placed Drybone Raider nearby. With the SUPER SNEAK ruleset, Drybone Raider can use his Melee attack so that the number of attacks he can launch becomes 4 times (2 times Range attack and Melee Attack). Drybone Raider can also help damage the opponent's entire ARMOR in one attack using the SHATTER ability.
In the first round, Djinn Oshannus, Coastal Sentry, and Anasth Soothsayer defeated Janni Rebel but she was revived by Adelade Brightwing. Pelacor Bandit and Deeplurker dealt damage to Arkemis the Bear. Although the damage done by Deeplurker was minimized by Arkemis the BearArkemis the Bear.'s FORCEFIELD , he still managed to inflict a poison effect on
Arkemis the Bear, Mana Warden, and Drybone Raider defeated Angelic Mandarin. The second to fourth attacks launched by Drybone Raider also successfully hit Anasth Soothsayer. Meanwhile, Adelade Brightwing attacked Coastal Sentry.
In round two, Arkemis the Bear defeated Anasth Soothsayer. Djinn Oshannus and Coastal Sentry defeated Janji Rebel again. The first-place Mana Warden also took damage from the second attack by Coastal Sentry (However, Mana Warden countered and reduced Coastal Sentry's SPEED by using the IMPEDE ability).
Pelacor Bandit and Deeplurker attacked Arkemis the Bear again. Drybone Raider tried to attack Pelacor Bandit but only his first attack managed to hit Pelacor Bandit's ARMOR. Adelade Brightwing repairs Mana Warden's ARMOR and attacks Coastal Sentry.
In the third round, Arkemis the Bear defeated Pelacor Bandit. Djinn Oshannus and Coastal Sentry defeated Mana Warden. The second attack from Coastal Sentry also managed to damage Pelacor Conjurer's DIVINE SHIELD .
Deeplurker failed to land its attack on Arkemis the Bear. The same happened to Drybone Raider who could only land his second attack on Deeplurker, while the other three attacks missed. Adelade Brightwing returned to repair Arkemis the Bear's ARMOR and attacked Coastal Sentry.
In the fourth round, Coastal Sentry could only land its second attack on Pelacor Conjurer. Meanwhile, his first attack along with Djinn Oshannus failed to hit him. Arkemis the Bear and Drybone Raider defeated Deeplurker. The second and fourth attacks of Drybone Raider also successfully hit Djinn Oshannus. Adelade Brightwing repaired Pelacor Conjurer's ARMOR and finally defeated Coastal Sentry.
In the last round, although the damage he dealt was minimized by FORCEFIELD, Arkemis the BearDjinn Oshannus which made his Attack power change to half. Djinn Oshannus attacked Pelacor ConjurerDjinn Oshannus was defeated by Drybone Raider. inflicted a debuff in the form of HALVING on but he also took damage through his MAGIC REFLECT ability. Eventually,
Although the front line looks quite weak because Janni Rebel is not allowed to attack, the back line can make up for it by defeating the opponent's units starting from the very end.
Arkemis the Bear can overcome the attacks made by DeeplurkerDrybone Raider is very helpful with his 4 attacks. Although he was struggling in the middle because most of his attacks missed, he was the one who defeated Djinn Oshannus when Arkemis the Bear could not defeat Djinn OshannusDjinn Oshannus also had. using the FORCEFIELD ability (despite having to take the poison effect of the attack). Meanwhile, because he was blocked by the FORCEFIELD ability that
That's one of the battles that I shared in Battle from the Past this time. Hopefully, you will get a little idea about the strategy after seeing this battle. Thank you for visiting and reading this post until the end. See you in the next post.
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