Splinterlands Battle Challenge - Deeplurker

in Splinterlands3 years ago



Hello Splinters, welcome to this week's challenge battle.

This week we're going to talk about the Deeplurker!. A card from water Splinter and Chaos Legion pack. I would say that in this battle I wanted to try all or nothing. And it ended up working. 😂

Lore Deeplurker

Terrifying to behold, Deeplurkers are a poisonous fish that dwell at the bottom of the ocean and prey on the weak. However, they are known to travel to the surface in times of dire need. Many believe that they are sensitive to the balance of elemental water magic and, when that balance is in danger, the Deeplurkers rise to attack or defend it.

Removed from the splinterlands website.

Stats Drake of Arnak


Cards used

A good water summoner that's here to stay. The 4 mana cost is acceptable and its speed and defense bonuses are great.

Our champion of the night likes to hit low life victims.

What really made me win, lol. A low cost basic card, but won with this flying

The Battle

I'll leave some prints of the battle, you can see it in full here.






Did your strategy work? What will you try differently next time?

It was a fun strategy, lately I've been playing a little bit of Splinterlands, so I'm taking it more for all or nothing, and it ends up being exciting.

Do you like DEEPLURKER? Why or why not?

Sure enough, the water set needed another assassin to pierce through the defenses, and he still has plenty of health and damage!

This is the official battle challenge post for Splinterlands Weekly Battle Share Challenge. If you like the challenge and want to participate, make a post and share it with more people.

Did you find it interesting, and you still don't play Splinterlands? Use my referral and send me a message.


Thanks for reading, see you around.



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