futureDECscord Doctor Blight winner reveal! Plus new epic giveaway!

in Splinterlands3 years ago

Doctor Blight lore.png

The time has finally come! The winner for our discord's Doctor Blight giveaway is revealed and the winning number is 35, which was the spot reserved for...

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Congratulations @christianandrew a.k.a. Thresh, the Doctor is yours!

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And the fun continues! Our next giveaway is the Life Epic card Prismologist!


To join, just go to our guild's discord server, look for the channel #✨card-raffle-freeforall and reserve your slot for free by typing /buytickets and following the prompts to enter your Splinterlands in game name. One ticket per user only, and no to multi-accounting!

See you all there and may the odds ever be in your favor!

Not playing Splinterlands yet? Sign up for free now!




Would have loved to win that card but congrats to @christianandrew

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