New Battle Mage Secrets Challenge this week! This time I will talk about the battle rule Fog of War:
So, with this rule becomes basically really difficult to attack the Opponent's second lines Monsters, as you can read all three abilities that are banned are really useful to hit Monsters not in the front line.
So, what does this rule tell us?
- Monsters in the second line are more protected.
- The Tank will probably receive a lot of damage.
- It could be really convenient to use Monsters able to heal Tank's Armor and/or Health stat.
- The only Melee Attack Monsters able to attack (if not in the first line) will be the Monsters with the Reach ability.
So, if the Monsters are more protected in the second lines, using weak Monsters, considering that the Opportunity ability is banned, could be a nice idea:
All these three Monsters would be vulnerable to the Opportunity ability, probably even the Sneak and Snipe abilities could be a problem considering that they are all Ranged attackers. They probably would be placed in the last positions, but with the Fog of War Battle Rule they become amazing damage dealers with no risk of being killed too early.
Another good idea could be to protect the Tank, knowing that it will probably be the only target, using Monsters with the Repair (heals Armor stat) or Tank Heal(heals Health stat) abilities:
Now that we highlighted how to set a nice deck with the Fog of War battle rule, let's see how to counter a settled deck.
There are two ways to hit the second lines in this scenario: using Monsters with the Scattershot ability or Monsters with the Blast ability.
With the Scattershot ability our Monsters will be able to randomly hit the Opponent's Monsters, ignoring both the Fog of War Rule and an eventual Camouflage ability, and with the Blast ability our Monsters will be able to damage even the Opponent's second lines Monsters (if they have not the Reflection Shield ability).
One last important thing, the only ability that will allow the Melee Attack Monsters to attack even from the second lines is the Reach ability:
They can always be useful.
So, now that the intro to this Battle Rule is over, let's see my battle:
Both I and my Opponent chose the Death summoner, it gives a nice defense versus a hypothetic Magic attack deck and it gives the advantage to use Cursed Windeku a high Health stat Tank with the Thorns ability (that does damage back in case the Monster is hit by a Melee attack).
Furthermore we both chose to deploy the Soul Strangler that for just 3 Mana grants a nice 2 in Ranged attack stat.
I completed my team with the Ravenhood Warden to have an important +2 buff in Armor stat and the Arachne Thug that thanks to the Reach ability will be able to attack from the second line.
My Opponent preferred to deploy the Riftwing and the Life Sapper, behind the Cursed Windeku, that respectively with the Scavenger (Gains 1 life each time any Monster die) and the Life Leech (Monster's health increase everytime it damages an Opponent's Monster) abilities should be able to increase their life and stand longer while its Ranged attack Monsters deal damage to my Monsters.
Not a bad idea to "farm" Health while its second lines Monsters hit my Monsters.
After the first round, as you can see, thanks to the Protect ability I was ahead.
Furthermore with the other active Battle Rule Tis but Scratches all the Monsters had the Cripple ability, so every successful attack had the chance to reduce the hitten Monster's maximum Health, making my Opponent's Monsters less resistant.
After the second Round I "destroyed" my Opponent's "defensive" Monsters, so its damage dealers were unprotected, during the third round I was really confident.
In fact, I won at the start of the fourth round, I was able to deal a lot more damage than my Opponent, and that's one of the reasons I won.
Final Consideration: with the Fog of War Battle Rule it becomes important to know how to defend our Monsters and at the same time being able to deal the more damage possible to the Opponent's first line, my Opponent tried to "build a wall" in front of its damage dealers but my superiority in damage dealing made the difference, in my favor.
Best regards,
P.S. My referral link is:
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