[ES/EN] 👊Winning with 🔥"Possibilus The Wise" and 💥"Legionnaire Alvar" in 🔥"Shades of Gray"

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Saludos a toda la comunidad de "Splinterlands", hoy uso un team "Water" y me enfrente a otro team "Water" , es una batalla de "mana 36" y sin los monstruos "Earth" disponibles.
Greetings to the entire "Splinterlands" community, today I use a "Water" team and I face another "Water" team , it is a "36 mana" battle and without the "Earth" monsters available.


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Ruleset: "Shades of Gray"

Solo unidades neutrales pueden ser usadas en batallas, pero los invocadores no se ven afectados.
Only Neutral Units may be used in battles.


Uso un team con ataque "melee" y mágico.

Mi invocador es "Possibilus The Wise" que otorga "+2 health", "trample" y "reach" a todos mis monstruos.
Mi tanque es "Legionnaire Alvar" con "void armor", posee buena salud y "armor".
Mi segundo monstruo es "Grimbardun Fighter" con "shield", muy resistente a los ataques "melee" y "ranged".

I use a team with a "melee" and magic attack.

My summoner is "Possibilus The Wise" which grants "+2 health", "trample" and "reach" to all my monsters.
My tank is "Legionnaire Alvar" with "void armor", it has good health and "armor".
My second monster is "Grimbardun Fighter" with "shield", very resistant to "melee" and "ranged" attacks.


Ubico un "repair", un mágico y un "swiftness" atrás.

Aquí tengo a "Scavo Hireling" que se encargará de reparar el "armor" de mi tanque.
Casi al final ubico a "Moxian Rebel" con "weapons training", se encargará de otorgar ataque mágico a "Scavo Hireling"
y a "Clockwork Aide" que aumentará la velocidad de mis unidades.

I place a "repair", a magic and a "swiftness" behind.

Here I have "Scavo Hireling" who will be in charge of repairing the "armor" of my tank.
Almost at the end I place "Moxian Rebel" with "weapons training", it will be in charge of granting magical attack to "Scavo Hireling"
and to "Clockwork Aide" which will increase the speed of my units.


Me enfrento a un team con ataque mixto.

Su invocador es "Kelya Frendul" de "nivel 2" y "gold", dará "+1 speed" y "+1 armor" a todos sus monstruos.
Su tanque es "Xenith Archer" de "nivel 2" y "gold", será capaz de curarse en cada ronda.
Su segundo monstruo es "Supply Runner" de "nivel 3" y "gold".
Su tercer monstruo es "Ulundin Overseer" con "flank", sin ataque, muy lento pero con mucha vida y "armor".
En medio tiene a "Moxian Rebel" con "weapons training", dará ataque mágico a "Ulundin Overseer" y a "Scavo Hireling" de
"nivel 3" y "gold".
Y su último monstruo es "Venari Spellsmith" de "nivel 2" y "gold", eliminará los efectos positivos de mi tanque.

I face a team with a mixed attack.

Its summoner is "Kelya Frendul" of "level 2" and "gold", it will give "+1 speed" and "+1 armor" to all its monsters.
His tank is "Xenith Archer" of "level 2" and "gold", he will be able to heal each round.
His second monster is "Supply Runner" of "level 3" and "gold".
His third monster is "Ulundin Overseer" with "flank", no attack, very slow but with a lot of life and "armor".
In the middle it has "Moxian Rebel" with "weapons training", it will give magical attack to "Ulundin Overseer" and "Scavo Hireling" from
"level 3" and "gold".
And his last monster is "Venari Spellsmith" of "level 2" and "gold", it will remove the positive effects from my tank.


Ronda 1

"Legionnaire Alvar" resiste y "Xenith Archer" está a punto de caer.

Round 1

"Legionnaire Alvar" resists and "Xenith Archer" is about to fall.


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Ronda 2

Mis guerreros mágicos abaten a "Xenith Archer" y mi "Legionnaire Alvar" sigue firme.

Round 2

My magical warriors take down "Xenith Archer" and my "Legionnaire Alvar" stands firm.


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Ronda 3

Mi tanque abate a "Supply Runner", ahora tenemos a "Ulundin Overseer" al frente.

Round 3

My tank takes down "Supply Runner", now we have "Ulundin Overseer" in front.


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Ronda 4

"Legionnaire Alvar" está a punto de caer y "Ulundin Overseer" todavía tiene mucha vida.

Round 4

"Legionnaire Alvar" is about to drop and "Ulundin Overseer" still has a lot of life.


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Ronda 5

"Legionnaire Alvar" fue abatido por enemigos y ahora "Grimbardun Fighter" está al frente.

Round 5

"Legionnaire Alvar" was shot down by enemies and now "Grimbardun Fighter" is in the lead.


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Ronda 6

"Grimbardun Fighter" esta muy débil, pero "Ulundin Overseer" también.

Round 6

"Grimbardun Fighter" is very weak, but so is "Ulundin Overseer".


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Ronda 7

Nuestros tanques han caído y solo quedan nuestros guerreros mágicos en pie.

Round 7

Our tanks have fallen and only our magical warriors are left standing.


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Ronda 8

Mi "Scavo Hireling" muere en este turno, pero "Moxian Rebel" es derribado.

Round 8

My "Scavo Hireling" dies this turn, but "Moxian Rebel" is knocked down.


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Ronda 9

"Scavo Hireling" cae y mi "Moxian Rebel" resiste.
La batalla está ganada porque mis monstruos tienen 2 puntos de vida extra gracias a mi invocador.

Round 9

"Scavo Hireling" falls and my "Moxian Rebel" holds.
The battle is won because my monsters have 2 extra life points thanks to my summoner.


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¿Funciono mi estrategia? ¿Qué intentaré diferente la próxima vez?.

Mi estrategia dio resultados, "Legionnaire Alvar" fue un gran tanque y "Possibilus The Wise" dio mucha resistencia
a mis monstruos.
La próxima vez usaré un team "Earth" con full ataque mágico.

Strategy work? What will you try differently next time?

My strategy paid off, "Legionnaire Alvar" was a great tank and "Possibilus The Wise" gave a lot of resistance
to my monsters.
Next time I will use an "Earth" team with full magic attack.



Si aún no juegas "Splinterlands", puedes registrarte con mi enlace.
If you don't play "Splinterlands" yet, you can sign up with my link.


La traducción se hizo con / The translation was done with:


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