[ES/EN] 👊Winning with 🔥"Hunter Jarx" on 💥"Keep Your Distance"

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Saludos a toda la comunidad de "Splinterlands", hoy uso un team "Earth" y me enfrente a un team "Earth" , es una batalla de "mana 53" y sin los monstruos "Water", "Life" y "Drake" disponibles.
Greetings to the entire "Splinterlands" community, today I use an "Earth" team and I face a "Earth" team , it is a "mana 53" battle and without the "Water", "Life" and "Drake" monsters available.


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Ruleset: "Holy Protection"

Esta regla de batalla establece que todos los monstruos tendrán "Divine Shield", esto significa que los monstruos estarán protegidos del primer ataque, porque el daño que reciban será 0. Y cuando nuestro monstruo sea revivido, el "Divine Shield" también se aplicará. Los ataques con "blast" pueden remover el "Divine Shield". Otra forma para combatir esta regla de batalla es jugar con monstruos que tengan "twin strike". También es importante que nuestro equipo tenga buena velocidad.
This battle rule states that all monsters will have "Divine Shield", this means that the monsters will be protected from the first attack, because the damage they receive will be 0. And when our monster is revived, the "Divine Shield" will also be applied. Blast attacks can remove Divine Shield. Another way to combat this battle rule is to play with monsters that have twin strikes. It is also important that our team has good speed.


Ruleset: "Ferocity"

Esta regla de batalla establece que todos los monstruos tendrán la habilidad "Fury", esto significa que podrán infligir el doble de daño a los monstruos enemigos con "taunt". Así que no deberíamos usar monstruos "taunt" en nuestros equipos.
This battle rule states that all monsters will have the "Fury" ability, This means that they will be able to deal double damage to enemy monsters with taunt. So we shouldn't use "taunt" monsters on our teams.


Ruleset: "Keep Your Distance"

Esta regla de batalla establece que no se pueden usar monstruos con ataque "melee". Así que se recomienda usar las habilidades "Phase", "Void", "Void Armor" and "Magic Reflect" para neutralizar los ataques mágicos. Y para neutralizar los ataques "ranged" se recomienda las habilidades "Headwinds" and "Return Fire". También se debe mantener monstruos con mucho HP en el frente. Y debemos usar monstruos mágicos muy veloces con "Flying", "Dodge" or "Blind".
This battle rule states that monsters with a "melee" attack cannot be used. So it is recommended to use the skills "Phase", "Void", "Void Armor" and "Magic Reflect" to neutralize magical attacks. And to neutralize "ranged" attacks, the "Headwinds" and "Return Fire" skills are recommended. You should also keep monsters with a lot of HP in front. And we must use very fast magic monsters with "Flying", "Dodge" or "Blind".


Uso un team con ataque mágico y "ranged"

Mi invocador es "Obsidian", dará +1 de ataque mágico a todos mis monstruos.
Mi tanque es "Ulundin Overseer" con "flank", es muy lento pero con gran salud.
Mi segundo monstruo es "Wood Nymph", se encargará de sanar a mi tanque.
Mi tercer monstruo es "Mushroom Seer" con "silence", reducirá el ataque mágico de enemigos.

I use a team with magic attack and "ranged"

My summoner is "Obsidian", he will give +1 magic attack to all my monsters.
My tank is "Ulundin Overseer" with "flank", he is very slow but with great health.
My second monster is "Wood Nymph", it will be in charge of healing my tank.
My third monster is "Mushroom Seer" with "silence", it will reduce the magic attack of enemies.


Ubico un sanador y 2 arqueros atrás.

Aquí tengo a "Goblin Psychic", se encargará de sanar a mi tanque.
Casi al final tengo a "Hunter Jarx", atacará a la línea de fondo enemiga.
Y mi último monstruo es "Swell Spore Beast" con "true strike", es muy lento pero su ataque no fallará.

I place a healer and 2 archers in the back.

Here I have "Goblin Psychic", he will be in charge of healing my tank.
Near the end I have "Hunter Jarx", he will attack the enemy back line.
And my last monster is "Swell Spore Beast" with "true strike", it is very slow but its attack will not miss.


Me enfrento a un team con full ataque mágico.

Su invocador es "Immortalis", dará "void", "-1 health" y "shatter" a todos sus monstruos.
Su tanque es "Centauri Mage" con "Return Fire", posee buena velocidad y salud, además devolverá el ataque "ranged" que reciba.
En la segunda posición está "Fungus Flinger", un "martyr" que al morir dará más poder a su tanque y a "Mushroom Seer", un
"silence" que reducirá el ataque mágico de mis monstruos.
En medio está "Goblin Psychic", un "gold" que se encargará de sanar a su tanque.
Casi al final está "Wood Nymph", también sanará a su tanque.
Y su último monstruo es "Magi of the Forest" con ataque mágico.

I face a team with full magic attack.

Its summoner is "Immortalis", it will give "void", "-1 health" and "shatter" to all its monsters.
His tank is "Centauri Mage" with "Return Fire", he has good speed and health, and will also return the "ranged" attack he receives.
In the second position is "Fungus Flinger", a "martyr" who when killed will give more power to his tank and "Mushroom Seer", a
"silence" which will reduce the magic attack of my monsters.
In the middle is "Goblin Psychic", a "gold" that will be responsible for healing your tank.
Near the end is "Wood Nymph", it will also heal your tank.
And his last monster is "Magi of the Forest" with magic attack.


Ronda 1

"Ulundin Overseer" resiste muy bien, pero "Centauri Mage" también.

Round 1

"Ulundin Overseer" holds up very well, but so does "Centauri Mage."


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Ronda 2

"Fungus Flinger" fue abatido pero aumentó la velocidad de los enemigos.
Aún así se mantiene la situación de la ronda anterior.

Round 2

"Fungus Flinger" was downed but increased the enemies' speed.
Even so, the situation of the previous round remains.


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Ronda 3

La situación no cambió mucho.

Round 3

The situation did not change much.


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Ronda 4

Mi "Swell Spore Beast" está a punto de caer.

Round 4

My "Swell Spore Beast" is about to drop.


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Ronda 5

"Hunter Jarx" abate a "Mushroom Seer" pero mi "Swell Spore Beast" muere por el "Return Fire" de "Centauri Mage".

Round 5

"Hunter Jarx" takes down "Mushroom Seer" but my "Swell Spore Beast" is killed by "Centauri Mage's" "Return Fire".


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Ronda 6

"Goblin Psychic" abate a "Centauri Mage".

Round 6

"Goblin Psychic" takes down "Centauri Mage".


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Ronda 7

Solo queda en pie "Magi of the Forest", pero sin chance de ganar.

Round 7

Only "Magi of the Forest" remains standing, but with no chance of winning.


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¿Funciono mi estrategia? ¿Qué intentaré diferente la próxima vez?.

Mi estrategia dio resultados, "Hunter Jarx" fue muy útil al abatir al "silence" enemigo, esto me permitió ganar
poder mágico para derribar a "Centauri Mage".
La próxima vez usaré un team "Water" con full ataque mágico y "ranged".

Strategy work? What will you try differently next time?

My strategy paid off, "Hunter Jarx" was very useful in taking down the enemy "silence", this allowed me to win
magical power to take down "Centauri Mage".
Next time I will use a "Water" team with full magic attack and "ranged".



Si aún no juegas "Splinterlands", puedes registrarte con mi enlace.
If you don't play "Splinterlands" yet, you can sign up with my link.


La traducción se hizo con / The translation was done with:


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I don't really like Hunter Jarx or any sniper monster with Snipe. Sometimes I need them to focus on a monster, and they end up trying to eliminate the mage with a high dodge.

"Hunter Jarx" is great.

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Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121