[ES/EN] 👊Winning with 🔥"Immortalis" and 💥"Mycelic Infantry" in "Rise of the Commons"

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Saludos a toda la comunidad de "Splinterlands", hoy uso un team "Earth" y me enfrente a un team "Water" , es una batalla de "mana 42" y sin los monstruos "Fire" y "Drake" disponibles.
Greetings to the entire "Splinterlands" community, today I use an "Earth" team and I face a "Water" team , it is a "42 mana" battle and without the "Fire" and "Drake" monsters available.


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Ruleset: "Rise of the Commons"

Esta regla de batalla establece que solo se pueden usar monstruos de rareza común y rara, pero los invocadores no se ven afectados por esta restricción.
This battle rule states that only monsters of common and rare rarity can be used, but summoners are not affected by this restriction.


Uso un team con ataque mixto.

Mi invocador es "Immortalis" que dará "+1 health", "void" y "shatter" a todos mis monstruos.
Mi tanque es "Mycelic Infantry" con "shield", será muy resistente a los ataques "melee" y "ranged".
Mi segundo monstruo es "Wood Nymph", se encargará de sanar a mi tanque.
Mi tercer monstruo es "Goblin Psychic", este es otro sanador que sostendrá a mi tanque también.

I use a team with a mixed attack.

My summoner is "Immortalis" which will give "+1 health", "void" and "shatter" to all my monsters.
My tank is "Mycelic Infantry" with "shield", it will be very resistant to "melee" and "ranged" attacks.
My second monster is "Wood Nymph", it will be in charge of healing my tank.
My third monster is "Goblin Psychic", this is another healer that will support my tank as well.


Ubico un "silence", un "sneak" y un "stun" atrás.

Aquí tengo a "Mushroom Seer" con "silence", se encargará de reducir el ataque mágico de enemigos.
Casi al final tengo a "Goblin Thief", un "sneak" que atacará al último monstruo enemigo.
Y mi último monstruo es "Uloth Dhampir", un "stun" que aturdirá al tanque enemigo.

I place a "silence", a "sneak" and a "stun" behind.

Here I have "Mushroom Seer" with "silence", it will be responsible for reducing the enemies' magic attack.
Near the end I have "Goblin Thief", a "sneak" that will attack the last enemy monster.
And my last monster is "Uloth Dhampir", a stun that will stun the enemy tank.


Me enfrento a un team con ataque mixto.

Su invocador es "Kelya Frendul" de "nivel 2", dará "+1 speed" y "+1 armor" a todos mis monstruos.
Su tanque es "Diemonshark" de "nivel 2" con "trample", posee excelente velocidad y "armor".
Su segundo monstruo es "Flying Squid" de "nivel 3", un "reach" que atacará a mi tanque.
Su tercer monstruo es "Disintegrator", un "demoralize" que reducirá el ataque "melee" de mis monstruos.
En medio tiene a "Swamp Spitter" de "nivel 3", un "repair" que restaura el "armor" de su tanque.
Casi al final está "Venari Marksrat" de "nivel 2", un "martyr" que al morir dará más poder a "Swamp Spitter" y a
"Riverboat Captain" de "nivel 2" y "blast".

I face a team with a mixed attack.

Its summoner is "Kelya Frendul" of "level 2", it will give "+1 speed" and "+1 armor" to all my monsters.
His tank is "Diemonshark" of "level 2" with "trample", he has excellent speed and "armor".
His second monster is a "level 3" Flying Squid, a reach that will attack my tank.
His third monster is "Disintegrator", a "demoralize" that will reduce the "melee" attack of my monsters.
In the middle he has a "level 3" "Swamp Spitter", a "repair" that restores the "armor" of his tank.
Almost at the end is "Venari Marksrat" of "level 2", a "martyr" who when killed will give more power to "Swamp Spitter" and to
"Riverboat Captain" of "level 2" and "blast".


Ronda 1

"Diemonshark" es abatido por el ataque combinado de mis monstruos.

Round 1

"Diemonshark" is knocked down by the combined attack of my monsters.


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Ronda 2

"Flying Squid" también cae porque no tiene defensa contra mis guerreros mágicos.

Round 2

"Flying Squid" also falls because it has no defense against my magical warriors.


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Ronda 3

"Goblin Psychic" se encarga de abatir a "Disintegrator".

Round 3

"Goblin Psychic" is responsible for taking down "Disintegrator".


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Ronda 4

"Swamp Spitter" y "Venari Marksrat" caen como moscas ante mi fuego mágico y
solo queda en pie "Riverboat Captain" pero sin chance de ganar.

Round 4

"Swamp Spitter" and "Venari Marksrat" fall like flies before my magic fire and
Only "Riverboat Captain" is left standing but with no chance of winning.


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¿Funciono mi estrategia? ¿Qué intentaré diferente la próxima vez?.

Mi estrategia dio resultados, "Immortalis" fue muy útil al otorgar "void" a mis monstruos y me protegió de los
ataques mágicos.
Mi tanque "Mycelic Infantry" fue una barrera muy resistente frente a los ataques "melee" y "ranged".
Y "Wood Nymph" y "Goblin Psychic" se encargaron de sostener a mi tanque muy bien.
La próxima vez usaré un team "Drake" con full ataque mágico y "ranged".

Strategy work? What will you try differently next time?

My strategy paid off, "Immortalis" was very useful in granting void to my monsters and protected me from the
magic attacks.
My "Mycelic Infantry" tank was a very resistant barrier against "melee" and "ranged" attacks.
And "Wood Nymph" and "Goblin Psychic" held my tank very well.
Next time I will use a "Drake" team with full magic attack and "ranged".



Si aún no juegas "Splinterlands", puedes registrarte con mi enlace.
If you don't play "Splinterlands" yet, you can sign up with my link.


La traducción se hizo con / The translation was done with:


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