[ES/EN] 👊Winning with 🔥"Magic Reflect" on 💥"Back to Basics" and 🔥"Earthquake".

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Saludos a toda la comunidad de "Splinterlands", hoy uso un team "Death" y me enfrente a otro team "Death" , es una batalla de "mana 99" y solo con los monstruos "Life" y "Death" disponibles.
Greetings to the entire "Splinterlands" community, today I use a "Death" team and I face another "Death" team , it is a "99 mana" battle and only with the "Life" and "Death" monsters available.


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Ruleset: "Back to Basics"

Esta regla de batalla establece que todos las unidades pierden sus habilidades. Debemos usar monstruos con alta velocidad y usar invocadores que aumenten el daño o la defensa de ataques mágicos o "ranged".
This battle rule states that all units lose their abilities. We must use monsters with high speed and use summoners that increase the damage or defense of magical or "ranged" attacks.


Ruleset: "Wands Out"

Esta regla de batalla establece que solo se podrán usar monstruos con ataque mágico, se recomienda usar las habilidades Phase, Void, "Void Armor" y "Magic Reflect" para debilitar la magia.
This battle rule states that only monsters with magic attack can be used, it is recommended use the Phase, Void, "Void Armor" and "Magic Reflect" skills to weaken the magic.


Ruleset: "Earthquake"

Esta regla establece que los monstruos sin la habilidad "flying" recibirán 2 de daño "melee" al final de cada turno. El secreto para tener éxito en esta regla es usar monstruos con "flying" o "heal", en caso contrario se debe usar monstruos con mucha salud y fuerte daño. Que tu equipo tenga "armor" es fundamental. Si puedes usar a "Brighton Bloom" como invocador sería de mucha ayuda, pero si no debes colocar a tus monstruos con "flying" al final para que "Earthquake" haga daño a los no-flying primero.
This rule states that monsters without the "flying" ability will take 2 "melee" damage at the end of each turn. The secret to being successful in this rule is to use monsters with "flying" or "heal", otherwise you must use monsters with a lot of health and strong damage. That your team has "armor" is essential. If you can use "Brighton Bloom" as a summoner it would be very helpful, but if not you should place your "flying" monsters last so that "Earthquake" deals damage to the non-flying ones first.


Uso un team con "Magic Reflect".

Mi invocador es "Owster Rotwell" que otorga "Magic Reflect" a todos mis monstruos.
Mi tanque es "Prismatic Energy" con buena velocidad y salud.
Mi segundo monstruo es "Magi Necrosi" con excelente velocidad.
Mi tercer monstruo es "Cabalist".
En medio está "Ancient Lich" con buen poder mágico pero muy lento.
Casi al final está "Djinn Muirat" con buena salud y "armor".
Y al final tengo a "Phantom Soldier" con buena velocidad y salud.

I use a team with "Magic Reflect".

My summoner is "Owster Rotwell" who grants "Magic Reflect" to all my monsters.
My tank is "Prismatic Energy" with good speed and health.
My second monster is "Magi Necrosi" with excellent speed.
My third monster is "Cabalist".
In the middle is "Ancient Lich" with good magic power but very slow.
Near the end is "Djinn Muirat" in good health and "armor".
And at the end I have "Phantom Soldier" with good speed and health.


Me enfrento a un team con full ataque mágico.

Su invocador es "Thaddius Brood" que reduce el ataque mágico y salud de mi monstruos en -1.
Su tanque es "Usut", muy lento pero con gran salud y poder mágico.
Su segundo monstruo es "Magi of Chaos" con buena salud y ataque mágico.
Después tiene a "Magi Necrosi", "Revealer", "Venari Bonesmith" y "Venari Spellsmith".

I face a team with full magic attack.

Its summoner is "Thaddius Brood" which reduces the magic attack and health of my monsters by -1.
His tank is "Usut", very slow but with great health and magic power.
His second monster is "Magi of Chaos" with good health and magic attack.
Then you have "Magi Necrosi", "Revealer", "Venari Bonesmith" and "Venari Spellsmith".


Ronda 1

"Prismatic Energy" es abatido pero "Usut" está a punto de caer.

Round 1

"Prismatic Energy" is down but "Usut" is about to drop.


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Ronda 2

"Earthquake" acaba con 2 enemigos y solo "Ancient Lich" es abatido.
Los demás enemigos caen como avispas y el último en caer es "Revealer".

Round 2

"Earthquake" kills 2 enemies and only "Ancient Lich" is killed.
The other enemies fall like wasps and the last one to fall is "Revealer".


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¿Funciono mi estrategia? ¿Qué intentaré diferente la próxima vez?.

Mi estrategia dio resultados, el "Magic Reflect" otorgado por "Owster Rotwell" hizo mucho daño a enemigos y
mi superioridad en salud me dio la ventaja para resistir "Earthquake".
La próxima vez usaré un team "Drake" con monstruos con mucha vida y ataque mágico.

Strategy work? What will you try differently next time?

My strategy paid off, the "Magic Reflect" granted by "Owster Rotwell" did a lot of damage to enemies and
my health superiority gave me the advantage to resist "Earthquake".
Next time I will use a "Drake" team with monsters with a lot of life and magic attack.



Si aún no juegas "Splinterlands", puedes registrarte con mi enlace.
If you don't play "Splinterlands" yet, you can sign up with my link.


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Death team in your side had the element to surpass the opponents.
I am also verify excited to play with these new rewards cards in the Rebellion series
Have you collected enough DEC at low price?
The buying period will push the price of DEC to the roof.
Thank you for sharing

Regards #freecompliment

Hi, thank you so much.👍👍👍

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