Time of the truth!!! kind of...

in Splinterlands3 years ago


So, here we face again the mysterious chests that everyone wants, but no one want to open because we already know. 15 days waiting and fighting for this...

Surprise surprise, another huge deception after so many battles, countless hours and defeats. At this point is very clear to me that new players are lost if they dont put REAL money in the game, so if you are new and reading this, you better have a loooot of money to throw in the game, or you will be going nowhere for months and months and months, like myself. And when i say real money, i dont mean 100$, you better be willing to put minimum 1k+ in the game just to start be able to get some rewards from SPS.

Another point that i want to say is, Splinterlands in not a game anymore, at least for many people, i would say is like a Stake platform where you can also rent your NFTs and earn passive income with it.

Well, too bad for me because im broke, and dont have a tooon of money to put in the game, and even if i want to rent cards, the actual reward is not even enough to pay for a daily good card, and BTW we all know you cant win with 1 good card.

So going back to the mysterious chests, here i leave mines so you can take a closer look to my frustration, AGAIN.


I keep waiting then, another 15 days, another month, another year... Who knows WHEN i will be able to jump in Silver 3. 🤷‍♂️
One thing is very clear, with this new reward system, is goint to happen in maybe..... Never!!!