Hello, splinter-folk. I hope you all are doing well.
Today, I will share a battle emphasizing the importance of having the right monsters in one's arsenal, as strategy can only get you so far in the game.
Without further ado, let's begin!
Battle Conditions
The mana cap is 18 and all the summoners are available.
Battle Rules:-
- Deflection Shield: All units have reflection shield(0 damage from Blast splash and Punishment abilities).
- What Doesn't Kill You: All units have enrage.
Keeping the mana cap, available monsters, and Battle Rules, I chose the summoner that would give me an edge over my opponent as it had an arsenal of monsters in its hold, the death summoner.
Battle Details
Let's begin the deck deconstruction from my side:
Summoner: Thaddius Brood(Ability: Decrease in Hp and Magic damage by 1 for all enemy monsters)(Level 5)
Tank: Cursed Windeku(Ability: Thorns, Heal).
Melee Attackers: Uraeus(Ability: Sneak, Poison), Silent Sha-vi(Ability: Sneak, Cripple).
Blocked Melee Attacker: Corpse Fiend(No Ability).
My strategy was to do a defensive attack from the front while doing major damage from the back. I chose a summoner that gave me high-level monsters. My tank could self-heal and inflict thorns damage when attacked physically. I used 2 sneak attackers with high speed; that way, they could eliminate potential healers or bloodthirsty monsters that may be kept in the back. I used the blocked attacker as a way to stretch out my deck, that way my Uraeus could survive 1 incoming attack should they both fall.
My overall damage per round is 12 with 3 healing.
Now, for the opposition's deck deconstruction.
Summoner: Thaddius Brood(Ability: Decrease in Hp and Magic damage by 1 for all enemy monsters)(Level 2)
Tank: Riftwing(Ability: Flying, Scavenger).
Melee Attacker: Silent Sha-vi(Ability: Sneak).
Ranged Attacker: Soul Strangler(No Ability).
Blocked Melee Attacker: Carrion Shade(Ability: Flying).
His strategy was to use both flying units as a shield that would make the incoming attacks miss while the units that would damage would continue to do damage from the middle of the deck. Given the battle rules, should his tank get hit once, it would be near impossible to hit it again with all the increased stats boost. The active units would continue to chip away at my deck.
His overall damage per round is 5 with the ability to reap 1 HP per unit's death.
Major Events
After a third of the round had passed, the first monster to fall was his Shade. It could not make an incoming attacker's attack miss.
In the final third of the round, the second monster to fall was his Soul Strangler making it a 3 v 2.
In the first third of the round, my Sha-vi was taken out while his Sha-vi was in its final HP.
In the second third of the round, his Sha-vi also fell, making it a 2 v 1. My blocked attacker was still useless, so it was not counted as a unit.
And, after 8 straight rounds of not being able to hit his only flying monster, the attacks finally connected, and down went his only non-attacker.
I expected him to get a bloodthirsty monster from Nature, Life, or Water since a few of them are very tricky to handle and even more difficult to beat. Yet, it seems he was focusing on trying to avoid a clash in a match where mana was scarce. This difference in battle strategy was key in me easily beating him with higher damage per round a simple healing factor.