Splinterlands Social Media Challenge - Victory with magic and magical and ranged attack.

in Splinterlands26 days ago (edited)

Among the battle rules, one of the most difficult for me is LITLE LEAGUES, but in this combat I managed to win with a balance of melee attack and magical attack that was lethal to achieve victory and being the beetle: *Crypt Beetle * the protagonist, my unexpected tank of the day.




On this occasion, the LITLE LEAGUES battle rule is one of the most restrictive in making the alignment, by only allowing the use of cards with a mana cost of 4 or less, this is quite difficult to coordinate and build. an alignment.

The battle condition EQUALIZER, what it does is that it equalizes the life of all the cards to the highest of all the cards played this turn, whether they are your own or your enemy's.

This is even better when placing cards with a large shield but low health, as they will have an advantage, although I will not use this type of strategy on this occasion.

In this case we only have 12 energy available, which limits a lot, but since we only have the possibility of summoning cards with 4 or less energy, this limits although not so much since we will both be limited in the cards we can summon, also only we can use black cards.

My Team

Thaddius Brood

This summoner will allow us to summon good cards of a good level as this summoner is level 3, it also reduces the magical attack by -1, which will help my mini tank of magical attacks survive, before being eliminated.

It also reduces the life of my enemy's cards by -1, which will help me be able to eliminate him faster.

Crypt Beetle

This mini tank is ideal for this battle condition with its SHIELD ability, which reduces melee and ranged attacks, helping you survive longer.

In addition, his 2 shield will protect him from the first ranged or melee attacks.

carrion shade

This card will only serve to receive my enemy's attacks so that they protect the card with a magical attack that I will use in the rear. Additionally, having flight gives me the chance to dodge any ranged or melee attack, giving potential protection from one more attack so that my card with a magic attack survives longer and can eliminate cards before it stays on the first line.


This card will also serve to protect my card from magical attack before it is eliminated and my last card can be present in the first line.

venari bonesmith

This will be the other victory card, with its magical attack, it will allow me to attack my enemy directly at their life without caring about the shield they have.

In addition to his LIFE LEECH ability, the more damage this does will increase his life, so it gives me a chance that if he is left alone, he will have a lot of life to resist and thus be able to eliminate my enemy.


RONDA 1,2 and 3

From turn 1 to 3 I attack my enemy's Crypt Beetle with my Crypt Beetle, but since he has the shield ability it doesn't do him any damage, however it is with my venari bonesmith that deals 1 magic damage each turn without affecting the shield and since it has 3 life this means that on the third turn I eliminate my enemy's card.

My enemy also attacks my Crypt Beetle with his Crypt Beetle which also does not do any damage.

But the attack with his Soul Strangler that does 2 damage but due to my tank's ability of SHIELD, only does 1 damage, but being a ranged attack, this hits first. his shield, which put my enemy at a disadvantage, leaving him at 2 life in the third turn.

ending on the third turn of being eliminated my enemy's tank by my venari bonesmith so my Crypt Beetle and therefore does 1 damage to his carrion shade, leaving him at 2 life ready to die next turn.

RONDA 4,5 6 and 7

In this fourth turn I manage to eliminate his carrion shade with the attack of my two cards.

My enemy only manages to damage my Crypt Beetle with his Soul Strangler leaving it at 1 health.

Already in the 5th turn my enemy is defenseless so between the attacks of Crypt Beetle and my venari bonesmith I eliminate his Soul Strangler in the 6th turn and I finish eliminating his Last card on the seventh turn.


On this occasion the key to victory was combining magical attack with melee attack, so when I was in this combat, although my tank Crypt Beetle could not do damage, I managed to deal damage with my **venari bonesmith **, and since my tanker had the SHIELD ability, this allowed me to reduce the attacks of my enemy who did not have any cards with magic attacks.